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Flight health information


Patients are generally not suitable for air travel in the following conditions:

· 处于极严重或危急状态的心脏病患者。如严重的心力衰竭;出现紫绀症状或心肌梗塞者(在旅行前六周之内曾发生过梗塞者)。

· Patients with heart disease and in a very serious or critical condition, such as severe heart failure; persons with cyanosis or myocardial infarctions (occurring within six weeks prior to travel);

· 出生不满14天的婴儿。

· Infants within 14 days of birth;

· 孕妇。怀孕期超过36周者。(怀孕期在36周以内超过32周的孕妇乘机,需具有医生在72小时之内签署的诊断证明书)。

· Women with a gestation period over 36 weeks (If a woman is pregnant for 32-36 weeks, she need to see the doctor within 72 hours before taking the flight and obtain a hospital issued Diagnosis Certificate with hospital stamp and doctor signature.);

· 血色素量在50%(Hb8g/dl)以下的贫血病人。

· Anemia patients with hemoglobin levels below 50% (Hb8g / dl);

· 严重的中耳炎,伴随有耳咽管堵塞症的患者。

· Patients with severe otitis media (accompanied by otopharyngeal congestion);

· 近期患自发性气胸的病人或近期做过气胸造影的神经系统病症的患者。

· Patients with spontaneous pneumothorax or patients with neurological disorders receiving pleurography recently;

· 大纵隔瘤,特大疝肿及肠梗阻的病人;头部损伤,颅内压增高及颅骨骨折者;下颚骨骨折最近使用金属线连接者。

· Patients with large mediastinal tumor, extra large hernia or intestinal obstruction; patients with head injury, increased intracranial pressure or skull fractures; patients having fracture of jawbone recently with metal wire connected;

· 酒精或其他毒品中毒者;患有精神病;易于伤人或自伤行为者。

·Patients intoxicated by alcohol or other drugs, suffering from psychosis and prone to hurting others or self-injury;

· 近期进行过外科手术,伤口未完全愈合者和产妇产后不满7天者。

· Those receiving surgery recently, with unhealed wounds or within seven days after childbirth;

· 在过去30天内患过脊椎型脊椎灰质炎患者。

·Patients with poliomyelitis in the past 30 days;

· 下列传染病或疑难病患者:霍乱、伤寒、付伤寒、发疹性斑疹伤寒、痢疾、天花、猩红热、白喉、鼠疫、流行性脑炎、脑膜炎、开放期的肺结核及其他传染病。

· Patients with any of the following infectious diseases or stubborn diseases: cholera, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, typhus, dysentery, smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, plague, epidemic encephalitis, meningitis, open tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;

· 带有传染性或损伤,使其他旅客感到厌恶的皮肤病患者。

· Dermatological patients with infectivity or injury and disgusting to other passengers;

· 带有严重咯血、吐血、呕吐症状的患者。

· Patients with severe hemoptysis, hematemesis or vomiting.