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中国联合航空有限公司 航空货物国际运输总条件



第一条 定义




1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(以下简称“华沙公约”);

1955 年 9 月 28 日在海牙签订的《修改 1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约的议定书》(以下简称“海牙议定书”);

1999 年 5 月 28 日在蒙特利尔签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(以下简称“蒙特利尔公约”)。









































1.22“中华人民共和国法律”或“中国法律” 指中华人民共和国的法律法规,但为本条件之目的,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区与台湾地区法律除外。

第二条 适用范围


















第三条 货物收运



   3.1.2除本条件或中联航手册另有规定外,在有空余舱位和能够提供需用设备的情况下,中联航可以收运完全符合下列条件的托运货物:出发地、目的地、经停地和飞越国家法律及规定允许其运输、出口或进口;包装符合参加运输的承运人要求,适合于航空器运输;附有必需的资料、文件;不危及航空器、人员或者其他财产的安全。 不引起或可能引起机组不适。

   3.1.3对于以下货物,中联航有权拒绝运输: 适用法律法规 禁止运输的货物; 未办妥适用法律法规规定的海关手续和其他政府部门规定手续的货物; 超出承运人运输能力和仓储能力的货物。除上述约定外,在法律许可的范围内,中联航保留在必要时拒绝运输货物的权利,对此中联航不承担责任。





  3.2.4货物办理国内运输声明价值的,按照规定应向中联航支付声明价值附加费。计算公式:声明价值附加费=[货物声明价值-(毛重×22 个特别提款权或其等值货币)] ×0.75%



   3.3.1除非事先做出安排并经中联航同意,每票货物其运输声明价值超过人民币 400 万元或其等值货币的,中联航有权不予收运。



   除货物运输合同另有约定外,中联航按国际航空运输协会颁布的现行有效的航空货物运价手册(The Air Cargo TariffManual,简称 TACT)中的规定办理货款到付。 






   3.6.1托运特种货物或限制运输物品的,中联航将按照适用公约、法律法规、中联航手册或运价和本条件的限制条件接受运输。托运限制运输货物的,托运人应当提供真实准确完整的准许运输证明文件。特种货物或限制运输物品包括但不限于:作战军火、作战物资;灵柩和骨灰;活体动物,包括家畜、鸟类、爬行动物、鱼类、贝壳类水产动物、昆虫和宠物等;鲜活易腐货物;贵重物品;易碎品;危险品(中联航暂时禁止货物运输)。 中华人民共和国法律法规以及运输过程中有关国家的法律法规限制运输的货物。

3.6.2 托运货物一般按照费用预付方式办理,但国际运输也可以按照费用到付方式办理。托运货物办理费用到付,费用到付手续费将不在货运单内填写,而按照适用运价的规定在目的地机场计收。

    除非事先做出安排并经中联航同意,下列货物不予办理费用到付: 收货人和托运人名称相同的货物; 除政府工作人员凭经中联航同意的适当证明办理托运的货物外,收货人为政府部门的货物; 变卖后的价值可能低于运输费用的货物; 鲜活易腐货物; 运往根据适用法律法规、中联航手册和运价不允许办理费用到付国家的货物,或运输目的地国家限制外汇兑换和跨境支付的货物; 活体动物,包括但不限于家畜、鸟类、爬行动物、鱼类、贝壳类水产动物、昆虫和宠物; 灵柩和骨灰 非随身行李; 外交货物; 中联航规定的其他不予办理费用到付的货物。



   3.7.2托运人应当向中联航提供正确填写并签字的危险品运输文件,并按照适用法律法规、行业规则(包括但不限于国际民航组织(ICAO)《危险物品安全航空运输技术细则》(DOC 9284)、国际航空运输协会(IATA)《危险品规则》)及中联航手册的规定对危险品进行分类、包装、加标记和贴标签,符合适用法律法规、行业规则及中联航手册规定的条件。      








   3.10.1重量、形状和大小特殊的货物必须在符合中联航 手册和规章允许的范围,以及中联航能够提供需用装、卸设备的情况下方予收运;托运上述货物必须事先与中联航联系安排。


第四条 运输凭证

















第五条 费率、运费和其他费用










   5.3.2托运货物也可使用其他货币支付运费和其他费用,但应当符合有关外汇管理和法律法规的规定以及中联航的要求。运费和其他费用的支付应当根据中联航规定的兑换率(由收取款项的中联航及驻外机构提供)换算。货币换算还应当符合下列规定: 托运货物费用预付的,货币换算按照货运单填 写之日有效的兑换率办理;托运货物费用到付的,货币换算按照货物到达通知发送之日有效的兑换率办理;

  5.3.3下列费用,无论货物是否延误、遗失、损坏或者货物未运达货运单上载明的目的地,中联航均有权全额收取并不退还: 所有预付或者到付的费用; 中联航已经支付或者所需支付的手续费、关税、税费、服务费、垫付款项和其他有关费用; 应支付给中联航的任何其他款项。



5.3.5 托运人应当履行义务,保证向中联航支付下列费用: 货物运输费用、保管费用及其他未偿付费用、未偿付的到付费用、垫付款项和到付预垫服务费; 因下列情况造成中联航承担的成本费用、经费开支、罚款、损害费用以及其他款项:













第六条 运输货物







6.2.4 货物需在经停地点办理报关入境手续,而货运单上并未列明报关代理人的,中联航将货物运至该地后,该货物应当视为由中联航或者中联航指定的报关收货人收货。中联航为此签署证明的货运单应当视为货运单的正本。














第七条 货物运输的安全和保卫




第八条 托运人对货物的处置权利











第九条 货物的交付










   9.4.1发生货物交付不正常情况,将根据 9.4 规定并参

照 9.5 的规定办理。

   货物运达目的地机场后,收货人拒绝或者未在规定的时间内提取货物的,中联航将执行货运单上载明的托运人指示。货运单上未载明指示或指示不能执行的,中联航将把收货人未提取货物的情况用挂号邮件或者邮政特快专递服务(EMS)通知托运人,并要求托运人予以指示,通知发出后 30 天内 未收到指示的,中联航在给收货人发出通知后,则可按照合适 的程序变卖、销毁或抛弃货物。





   9.6 费用支付责任 




第十条 取货和送货服务





















第十一条 货物的预运和续运







第十二条 连续承运人



第十三条 承运人责任


13.1.1 中联航办理的航空货物国际运输均受本条件 2.1.1和 2.1.2 中述明的适用法律、规定和条件的约束。

13.1.2 公约规定的国际运输是指根据当事人订立的合同,无论运输有无间断或者有无转运,该项运输的出发地点和目的地点是在该公约两个缔约国的领土内,或者在一个缔约国的领土内而在另一个缔约国领土内有一个约定的经停地点的任何运输,即使该国为非缔约国。

13.1.3 在符合公约规定的国际运输中,约定的经停地点(承运人可在必要时或根据本条件约定变更)是指除出发地点和目的地点以外,在航空货运单上载明或者在班期时刻表内公布的作为货物运输路线上预定经停的地点。由几个连续的承运人履行的运输视为一项单一的业务活动。


   13.2.1因发生在航空运输期间的事件,造成货物毁灭、遗失、损坏或延误,中联航将对托运人、收货人或其他有关人承担责任。本条件所称航空运输期间,是指在机场内、民用航空器上或者机场外降落的任何地点,货物处于中联航掌管之下的全部期间。 航空运输期间,不包括机场外的任何陆路运输、海上运输、内河运输过程;但是,此种陆路运输、海上运输、内河运输是为了履行航空运输合同而装载、交付或者转运,在没有相反证据的情况下,所发生的损失将视为在航空运输期间发生的损失。


   13.2.3 中联航的责任将受限于公约规定的限额。

   13.2.4 中联航证明货物的毁灭、遗失或损坏是由于下列原 因之一造成的,不承担责任: 货物固有缺陷、质量、性质或瑕疵; 中联航或其受雇人、代理人以外的人包装货物的, 货物包装不良; 战争或者武装冲突; 政府有关部门实施的与货物入境、出境或者过境有关的行为。


13. 5.1 动物因自然原因死亡; 动物因本身或其他动物的撕咬、踢打、抵刺或闷窒行为而造成受伤、死亡。  动物因本身状况、本性或习性造成或者促成受伤、死亡; 动物因其包装不良而造成或促成受伤、死亡; 动物因不能承受航空运输中不可避免的物理环境变化而造成或者促成受伤、死亡。




    13.2.9 国际运输中,对于货物的遗失、损坏或延误,中联航的赔偿责任以毛重每公斤 22 个特别提款权或其等值货币为限;托运人在托运货物时特别声明在目的地交付时的价值、 并支付声明价值附加费的,中联航的赔偿责任以货运单上声明的运输价值为限,但托运人声明的金额不得高于货物在目的地点交付时的实际价值。所有索赔应当凭实际价值的证明办理。

    13.2.10 货物的一部分或货物中的任何物件发生遗失、 损坏或者延误的,用以确定中联航赔偿责任限额的重量,仅为该一包件或数包件的总重量;但是货物的一部分或货物中任何物件的遗失、损坏或者延误,影响同一货运单所列其他包件价值的,确定中联航的赔偿责任限额时,此种包件的总重量也将考虑在内。在没有相反证明的情况下,货物的遗失、损坏或者延误部分的价值计算,如单件价值无法确认的,则以该票货物的平均价值计算实际损失价值。

13.2.11  对于符合“美国交通规则”定义的“外国航空运输”,除以下规定外不参照其他任何规定: 如果货物发生遗失、损坏或延误,用以确定中联航赔偿责任限额的重量为决定该票货物运费的重量; 如果一票货物的部分发生遗失、损坏或延误,确定中联航的赔偿责任限额时,需将 中的重量按照同一货运单下价值受到影响的包装件的重量占整票货物重量的比例进行分摊计算;如果同一包装件内的一件或多件货物发生遗失、损坏或延误,确定赔偿责任的重量为整个包装件的重量。

13.2.12 托运人和按照适用法律规定应当承担责任的货主及收货人,其财产、托运货物给给中联航或者其他人造成损失、损害、延误、责任赔偿或罚款的,应当由托运人及其代理人承担赔偿责任。因货物固有的缺陷、质量、瑕疵或包装不良而可能危及航空器、人员或财产安全的,中联航可以不经通知随时抛弃或销毁货物,对此中联航不承担责任。



  13.2.15 本条件任何有关中联航责任免除或限制的规定适用于中联航的代理人、受雇人或代表,也适用于为中联航提供使 用其航空器或其他运输工具的任何人及其代理人、受雇人或 代表。但上述人员应当在受雇、代理范围内行事。在此种情 况下,中联航及其受雇人和代理人的赔偿总额不得超过上述责 任限额。

13.2.16 托运人理解并同意,货物运输的运费和费率以中联航的责任限制为前提而提供,且在充分考虑上述前提的基础上,进一步同意,除本条件约定的其他义务和责任外,托运人明确同意赔偿并保护中联航及其代理人、受雇人或代表,及为中联航提供使用其航空器或其他运输工具的任何人及其代理人、受雇人或代表免于承担本条件责任限额之外的责任和索赔。



第十四条 异议和诉讼期限












第十五条 与法律不相抵触




第十六条 最后条款









China United Airlines Co., Ltd.

General Conditions for International Transport of Goods by Air

Article  Definitions

Unless otherwise required or expressly provided in the specific clauses, the following terms in General Conditions for International Transport of Goods by Air (the "Conditions") shall have the meanings as follows:

1.1 "Conventions"

Refer to the following applicable documents:

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air signed in Warsaw on October 12, 1929 (the "Warsaw Convention");

Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929, done at The Hague on 28 September 1955 ("The Hague Protocol");

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air ("Montreal Convention") signed in Montreal on May 28, 1999.

1.2 "Carrier"

Refers to the air carrier that accepts the air waybill issued by the shipper or keeps a record of the cargo and all air carriers who consign or engage in the carriage of the cargo or provide any other services for the transport.

1.3 "China United"

Refers to China United Airlines Co., Ltd.

1.4 "Agent"

Refers to the person authorized by the carrier to engage in activities related to the transportation of goods on behalf of the carrier.

1.5 "Shipper"

Refers to a party contracting with a carrier for the carriage of goods whose name appears in the "Shipper" column of an air waybill.

1.6 "Consignee"

Refers to the party to whom the carrier delivers goods and whose name appears in the "Consignee" column of the air waybill.

1.7 "Customs consignee"

Refers to the customs broker who handles customs declaration services for consignees or other agent.

1.8 "Air waybill"

Refers to the voucher completed by or on behalf of the shipper, which is the prima facie evidence for the conclusion of air cargo transport contract and transportation conditions as well as the carrier's acceptance of goods.

1.9 "Goods"

Refers to articles that have been or will be transported by aircraft, except for mails or baggage transported with "passenger and baggage tickets", including baggage transported with air waybill.

1.10 "Goods in a single consignment"

Refers to one or more pieces of goods received by the carrier from the same shipper at the same time, in the same place and according to the same batch of goods and transported to the same consignee with the same destination address using the same set of waybills. "Goods in a single shipment", "goods in a complete consignment" and "goods in a shipment" shall have the meanings set forth in this section.

1.11 "Tariff"

Includes published rates, freight and other charges and their related rules.

1.12 "Collect fees"

Refers to the fee charged to the consignee upon delivery of goods, which is filled in the air waybill.

1.13 "Day"

Refers to calendar days, including Sundays and legal holidays. However, when the notice is sent out, the day on which the notice is sent out shall not be included.

1.14 "Delivery services"

Refers to the ground service for delivering incoming goods from the destination airport to the address of the consignee or its designated agent, or to the government supervision department when necessary.

1.15 "Pick-up services"

Refers to the ground service of delivering outbound goods from the address of shipper or its designated agent to the airport of departure.

1.16 "Special drawing rights"

As defined by the International Monetary Fund.

1.17 "International transport of goods by air" ("international transport").

Refers to the transport of goods by air in which the place of departure, destination or agreed transit point is not within the territory of the People's Republic of China, regardless of whether the transport is interrupted or transshipped according to the air cargo transportation contract concluded by the parties.

 If the place of departure, the place of destination or one of the agreed transit points is Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region of the People's Republic of China, such transport shall be deemed as international transport in accordance with international practice.

1.18 "Manuals"

Refer to the relevant regulations on policy management and operation formulated for transport of goods by air and continuously revised by China United.

1.19 "Charter agreement"

Refers to the agreement signed by the shipper for chartering all or part of the space on one aircraft of the carrier to transport goods, including air charter, cabin charter, packing board and other similar cooperation arrangements.

1.20 "Gross weight"

Refers to the weight of goods, including all packages and barriers, as well as the weight of supporting platform and special support as necessary.

1.21 "Laws and regulations"

Refers to laws, administrative regulations, rules, other normative documents, provisions and orders of administrative authorities, including the regulations and advisory circulars issued by civil aviation authorities.

1.22 "Laws of the People's Republic of China" or "PRC Laws"

Refers to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, but for the purpose of the Conditions, excluding the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region of the People's Republic of China.

Article  Scope of Application

2.1 General

2.1.1 The Conditions are applicable to the international transport of goods by air and related services handled by or on behalf of China United. The international transport of goods by air that falls within the scope of the Conventions shall comply with the provisions of the Conventions.

2.1.2 The handling of goods transport shall also be subject to the following provisions: The provisions of the Conventions, other international treaties to which China is a party or bilateral agreements approved by the government and other legal documents. Applicable laws and regulations; The provisions of the Conditions (the Conditions, tariff, manuals and timetables shall be provided by China United, its stationed agencies or airports that operate flights for reference); Pre-printed provisions or agreements on the air waybill, including but not limited to:

(a) The provisions on the dangerous goods specified in the shipper's guarantee column;

(b) The provisions, references and agreements in the official notification on the front of the air waybill;

(c) The official notification on the reverse side of the air waybill regarding the carrier's limitation of liability and the provisions of the contract conditions.

2.2 Free Transport

To the extent permitted by the Conventions and laws, China United reserves the right to exclude the provisions of this section in respect of free transport.

2.3 Charter Agreements

2.3.1 The chartered transport of goods handled in accordance with the air charter agreement shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Conditions.

2.3.2 In case of any discrepancy between the tariff provisions of the Conditions and those in the Charter Agreement or with reference thereto, the latter shall prevail.

2.3.3 The shipper shall be bound by the terms of any charter agreement for transport of goods entered into between the shipper and China United.

2.3.4 For the transport of goods under a charter agreement, the shipper shall: Complete the air waybill or have it completed by others on its behalf; Be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of descriptions, statements and other information to be filled in the air waybill; Comply with the charter agreement and other relevant provisions of the Conditions.

2.4 Changes without Notice

Except as otherwise provided by relevant laws, administrative regulations and orders, China United reserves the right to change the Conditions, published rates, tariffs and other fees. However, such changes shall not apply to transport of goods that has commenced prior to the change.

2.5 Effect of the Conditions

In addition to complying with applicable laws and regulations (including the laws of the People's Republic of China and the laws and regulations of relevant countries in the course of transport) and the provisions of the Conditions, the transport of goods shall also be subject to the manuals and tariffs of China United valid on the date of signing the contract of carriage.

 In case of any discrepancy between the provisions in the manuals and tariffs of China United and those in the Conditions, the provisions in the Conditions shall prevail. If there is no provision in the Conditions, the provisions in the manuals and tariff of China United shall prevail. For the sake of safety, the manuals of China United may set more stringent provisions within its scope.

Article  Collection and Transport of Goods

3.1 General

3.1.1 The shipper shall complete the customs procedures and other procedures required by government departments before consigning the goods to China United, and ensure that the consigned goods do not violate any export control and sanction provisions.

3.1.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Conditions or the manuals of China United, China United may collect and transport consigned goods that fully meet the following conditions, provided that there is spare space and required equipment: The transport, export or import is allowed by the laws and regulations of the countries where the departure place, destination, stopover and overflight are located; The package meets the requirements of carriers participating in transport and is suitable for aircraft transport. Necessary data and documents are attached; The safety of aircraft, personnel or other property is not affected. No discomfort to the crew may be caused.

3.1.3 China United reserves the right to refuse transport of: Goods prohibited from transport by applicable laws and regulations; Goods that have not undergone the customs procedure stipulated by applicable laws and regulations and the procedures required by other government departments; Goods that exceed the carrier's transport and storage capacity.

In addition to the above provisions, to the extent permitted by laws, China United reserves the right to refuse transport of goods when necessary without any liabilities.

3.2 Declared Value for Transport and Cost

3.2.1 In international transport, consignments with a value per one kilogram of gross weight of more than 22 special drawing rights or an equivalent currency, the declared value for transport may be handled, but a surcharge on the declared value shall be paid.

3.2.2 The value per kilogram of gross weight will be calculated according to the average of the declared value for transport divided by the actual gross weight of the goods. The declared value for transport is only applicable to the actual gross weight of the entire consignment, and the value declared by the shipper shall not be higher than the actual value of the consignment at the time of delivery at destination.

3.2.3 The declared value for transport shall be handled at the time of consignment with the corresponding column of the waybill filled in. After the goods have been shipped from the airport of departure stated in the air waybill, the declared value shall not be re-handled, nor shall the declared value already stated in the air waybill at the time of consignment be altered.

3.2.4 If the goods have a declared value for domestic transport, a surcharge for the declared value shall be paid to China United in accordance with the regulations. Calculation formula

Surcharge for declared value = [declared value of goods - (gross weight x 22 special drawing rights] (or its equivalent currency)] ×0.75%

3.2.5 The shipper shall fill in the amount of the declared value for transport or "NVD" (indicating that no transport value is declared) on the waybill, regardless of whether a value for transport is declared.

3.3 Value Limit of Goods

3.3.1 Unless prior arrangement is made and the consent of China United Airlines is obtained, if the declared value for each transport exceeds RMB 4 million or its equivalent currency, China United reserves the right not to refuse to accept and transport the goods.

3.3.2 The limit of total value of goods carried by each aircraft is RMB 20 million. If it is necessary to exceed the specified value limit due to special circumstances, arrangements shall be made in advance and consent shall be obtained from China United.

3.4 Payment for Goods at Destination 

Unless otherwise agreed in the contract of transport, China United shall handle the payment for goods on delivery according to the provisions of the currently valid Air Cargo Tariff Manual (TACT) issued by the International Air Transport Association.

3.5 Packaging and Marking of Goods

3.5.1 The shipper shall pack the goods in such a manner as to ensure that they can be carried safely under normal control and to prevent injury to persons and damage to goods or property due to faulty packaging. The shipper shall clearly and durably mark the name and detailed address of the shipper and consignee on each package.

3.5.2 China United reserves the right to refuse transport in case of improper packaging and marking.

3.5.3 Goods specified as valuables in the freight rules must be packaged and sealed in accordance with the method required by China United. The sealing marks must be intact and clear.

3.6 Certain Special Provisions

3.6.1 In the event of consignment of special goods or restricted items, China United will accept transport in accordance with applicable conventions, laws and regulations, China United's manuals or tariff and the limitations of the Conditions. In case of consignment of restricted transport goods, the shipper shall provide true, accurate and complete transport permit documents.

 Special goods or restricted transport goods include but are not limited to: Munitions and war materials; Coffins and ashes; Live animals, including livestock, birds, reptiles, fish, shellfish, insects and pets; Fresh and perishable goods; Valuables; Fragile products; Dangerous goods (temporarily prohibited by China United). Goods that are restricted from transport by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and relevant national laws and regulations during transport.

3.6.2 Consigned goods shall be generally handled according to the prepaid mode, but international transport may also be handled according to the collect mode. The handling fee for consignment shall be paid at the destination airport at the applicable tariff, instead of being filled in the waybill.

Unless prior arrangement is made and agreed by China United, the fees for following goods shall not be charged at the destination: Goods with the same name of consignee and shipper; Goods consigned to government departments, except for goods consigned by government officials with appropriate certificates agreed by China United; Goods whose value after sale may be lower than the freight; Fresh and perishable goods; Goods shipped to a country that does not allow the collection of fees according to applicable laws and regulations, China United's manuals and tariff, or goods whose destination country restricts foreign exchange and cross-border payment; Live animals, including but not limited to livestock, birds, reptiles, fish, shellfish, insects and pets; Coffins and ashes Unaccompanied baggage; Diplomatic goods; Other goods specified by China United that are not eligible for collection at destination.

3.7 Certain Provisions on Consignment of Dangerous Goods

3.7.1 The shipper must abide by the laws and regulations of relevant countries involved in the transport process, the rules and regulations of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and the temporary prohibition of dangerous goods transport stipulated by China United.

3.7.2 The shipper shall provide China United with properly completed and signed dangerous goods transport documents, and classify, package, label and mark the dangerous goods in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, industry rules (including but not limited to ICAO's Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (DOC 9284), IATA's Dangerous Goods Regulations and China United's manuals to meet the conditions specified by applicable laws and regulations, industry rules and China United's manuals.

3.7.3 The shipper must book the whole flight to transport dangerous goods.

3.7.4 The shipper must declare the dangerous goods consigned according to regulations (including goods with dangerous goods as auxiliary packaging materials). The shipper and its agent shall be liable for any loss, damage or fine caused by their failure to declare, non-compliance of declaration, false declaration or fraudulent reporting to China United or others.

3.8 Responsibility for Failure to Comply with Regulations on Goods Acceptance and Transport

The shipper shall bear full responsibility for failure to comply with the goods collection and transport requirements stipulated in applicable conventions, laws and regulations, the Conditions and the manuals of United Airlines. In case of any loss, damage, delay, liability compensation or fine caused to United Airlines or others, the shipper and its agent shall be liable for compensation.

3.9 Carrier's Right to Inspect

China United Airlines shall be entitled but not liable, to inspect the packaging and contents of the goods and check the correctness and completeness of the required materials and documents.

3.10 Goods of Special Weight, Shape and Size

3.10.1 Goods of special weight, shape and size must be collected for transport within the scope permitted by the manuals and regulations of China United, provided that China United can provide the required loading and unloading equipment. The above-mentioned goods shall be consigned only after contacting China United in advance.

3.10.2 If the weight per unit area of goods exceeds the bearing capacity of cabin floor, appropriate backing plates or bases must be lined to ensure that the pressure of goods meets the load limit of cabin floor. The weight of the backing plates or bases shall be included in the weight of the consignment.

Article  Transport Documents

4.1 Air Waybill

4.1.1 The shipper shall fill in or have filled out the air waybill ("waybill") in accordance with the format, manner and number of copies prescribed by China United, and hand it over to China United together with the goods.

4.1.2 If the consigned goods cannot be carried by one waybill or all of them cannot be carried on the same aircraft, China United may also require the shipper to fill out more than one waybill in accordance with applicable laws and regulations as well as China United's manuals and rules.

4.2 Provisions to be Completed, Corrected or Supplemented by the Carrier

4.2.1 If China United fills in the waybill at the request of the shipper, it shall be deemed to have done so on behalf of the shipper in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

4.2.2 If there is any error or omission in the description and statement of the goods filled in by the shipper on the waybill, China United may make corrections or supplements with authorization from the shipper, but it shall not be liable to accept the shipper's authorization to make such corrections or supplements.

4.3 Appearance of Goods and Packaging

If there are some defects in the appearance of the goods and packages, the shipper shall include a statement of such defects in the waybill. If the shipper fails to fill in this statement on the waybill or if there is any error in the statement filled in, China United may supplement or correct it on the waybill.

4.4 Carrier's Check and Verification of Goods Weight Statement

4.4.1 China United may check and verify the weight statement filled in by the shipper on the waybill. The weight of the goods will be checked at the point where they are handed over to the carrier and, if necessary, at the place of destination.

4.4.2 In case of any discrepancy between the weight filled in by the shipper on the waybill and the weight measured by China United, China United may correct the freight according to the weight measured by the scale. If the weight of the prepaid goods is lower than the weight filled in by the shipper on the waybill, China United will notify the shipper and refund the freight. If the weight of the prepaid goods is higher than the weight filled in by the shipper, China United will issue a bill to collect the freight. For goods paid at destination, China United will notify the shipper of incorrect weight declaration. The corrected freight shall be handled according to the procedures specified in the China United's manuals and regulations. The above two cases are subject to the relevant provisions of Article 5 of the Conditions.

4.5 Responsibility for Statements and Declarations

4.5.1 The shipper shall enter all required statements, declarations and other information on the waybill in accordance with the Conventions, applicable laws and regulations as well as the provisions of the China United's tariff and manuals.

4.5.2 The shipper shall be responsible for the correctness of the notes and statements entered in the waybill by itself or on its behalf. The shipper shall be liable for any loss caused to China United or other persons due to the non-conformity, incorrectness or incompleteness of the description and statements related to the goods filled in the waybill.

4.6 Unacceptable Waybills

If the contents filled in the waybill are altered or deleted, or if there is any defect in the waybill, the waybill may not be accepted.

Article  Rates, Freight and Other Charges

5.1 Applicable Rates and Freight

5.1.1 Rates and freight are those published by the carrier and valid on the date of conclusion of the contract of transport, unless otherwise specified in the applicable tariff.

5.1.2 In the Conditions, the rate refers to the transport fee per unit weight (or volume) of goods charged by China United, and the freight refers to the transport fee for goods in a consignment charged by China United. Unless otherwise specified in the manuals and regulations of China United, rates and freight are only applicable to air transport from airport to airport, excluding the following additional services or fees: Service fees for pickup and delivery, and ground transport fees between the airport and the urban freight station; Goods storage fee; Insurance premium; Disbursements; Handling fee for dangerous goods; Fuel surcharge (without commission); Expenses incurred by China United in handling customs declaration of goods, or expenses incurred by China United or its agents in providing agency services for the shipper, consignee or owner of goods Customs duties, taxes or fines on goods; The cost of repairing damaged packaging by China United; Expenses for advance transport, transshipment and onward transport of goods handled in other modes of transport, as well as expenses for transporting goods back to the original place of departure; Any other similar services or costs.

Unless otherwise agreed in the contract of transport of goods, the above additional services or expenses shall also be borne by the shipper.

5.2 Rate and Freight Basis

5.2.1 Rates and freight may be calculated based on weight or volume. If the consigned goods have a declared value for transport, a surcharge for declared value shall be included. Unless otherwise specified, light foam goods with average volume exceeding 6,000m3 per kilogram of gross weight shall be calculated according to the volume of the goods and the goods in a shipment. The mantissa rules of the maximum length, width and height for goods volume calculation, and the mantissa rules for volume weight calculation will be subject to the provisions of China United's tariff.

5.2.2 The freight by weight or volume filled in the waybill shall be consistent with the contents including the total amount filled in the total number column of the waybill.

5.3 Payment of Freight and Other Charges

5.3.1 Freight and other charges shall be paid for the consignment in the currency published in the applicable tariff.

5.3.2 Freight and other charges may also be paid in other currencies for goods consigned, but shall comply with the provisions of relevant foreign exchange management laws and regulations as well as the requirements of China United. Payment of freight and other charges shall be converted in accordance with the exchange rate specified by China United (provided by China United and its overseas organization receiving payment).

 Currency conversion shall also meet the following requirements: If the consignment is prepaid, the currency conversion shall be handled according to the exchange rate valid on the date when the waybill is filled in; If the charges for consigned goods are paid upon arrival, the currency conversion shall be handled according to the exchange rate valid on the date when the notice of arrival of goods is sent;

5.3.3 China United reserves the right to collect and not refund the following expenses in full regardless of whether the goods are delayed, lost, damaged or not delivered to the destination specified on the waybill. All expenses paid in advance or upon arrival Handling charges, tariffs, taxes, service fees, advance payments and other related expenses that have been paid or need to be paid by China United; Any other payments due to China United.

Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Conditions, all fees, amounts and disbursements referred to above shall be payable upon acceptance of the Goods by China United but may be collected by China United at any stage of the services under the contract of transport or may be immediately collected (on demand) by China United at any time.

No claim for delay or damage to the goods shall be allowed if the transport expenses have not been paid in full in accordance with the Conditions or the contract of transport. However, if all of the goods are not delivered, even if the transport expenses have not been paid, the claim for damages will still be processed, and China United has the right to deduct such transport expenses from the claim amount, but the shipper or consignee may not deduct the claim amount from such transport expenses.

5.3.4 At the time of consignment, if the relevant charges or prepaid service fee on arrival cannot be determined, China United may require the shipper to pay a sufficient deposit in advance. The balance of the deposit shall be settled after the end of the transportation contract or after the relevant expenses and the advance service fee can be determined;

5.3.5 The shipper shall fulfill its obligations to ensure that it pays the following expenses to China United: Goods transport expenses, storage expenses and other unpaid expenses, unpaid collect expenses, disbursements and advance service fees for collection; Costs, expenses, fines, damages and other amounts borne by China United as a result of:

(a) Articles prohibited by law from being transported are included in the goods;

(b) The marks, numbers, addresses, packages and names of the goods do not conform to the relevant provisions, are incorrect or incomplete;

(c) Import and export licenses or other required documents, certificates are not provided, have not been provided in a timely manner or contain errors;

(d) Inappropriate declaration of value to Customs;

(e) Incorrect declaration of weight or volume.

The consignee taking delivery of the goods and exercising the rights conferred by the contract of transport shall at the same time fulfill its obligation to actually pay all expenses, amounts and disbursements within the scope of this item except for prepaid expenses. The shipper shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment obligations of the consignee and shall pay all expenses that have not been paid by the consignee. If the consignee and shipper do not pay or fail to pay within the required time, China United shall have the right to retain and dispose of the goods. This includes but is not limited to selling off the goods in accordance with appropriate procedures for payment after sending a notice by registered mail or Express Mail Service (EMS) according to the address of the shipper or consignee stated on the waybill in advance. If the proceeds of sale are insufficient to pay for the goods, the shipper and consignee shall not be released from joint liability.

As long as any of the foregoing payments are not actually made in full, China United's right to lien on the goods and its right to sell off and collect for payment shall not be affected or impaired in any way, even if such arrangements have been duly confirmed. The delivery of the goods by China United or its waiver of possession or lien shall not affect, lose or hinder its right to collect the aforesaid amount.

5.3.6 If the gross weight, size, quantity or declared value of the goods exceeds the originally charged gross weight, size, quantity or declared value, China United Airlines shall have the right to charge additional fees for the excess.

5.3.7 Freight and other charges for prepaid shipments shall be paid by the shipper at the time of acceptance of the cargo by China United Airlines. Freight and other charges shall be paid in cash or in accordance with the China United Airlines tariff or such other manner as may be prescribed by regulations. If the consignee fails to pay, the shipper shall be liable for payment.

5.3.8 In the event that the Shipper refuses to pay the Freight and other charges, including a portion thereof, after demanding payment from China United Airlines, China United Airlines may cancel the carriage of the Goods without any liability whatsoever.

Article VI Transport of Goods

6.1 Compliance with Government Regulations

The shipper shall comply with all applicable laws and governmental regulations pertaining to the packing, carriage and delivery of goods at the point of departure, destination, stopover and countries with overflight. The shipper shall provide the necessary information on packaging, transportation and delivery of goods to meet the above-mentioned laws and government regulations and provide relevant documents along with the waybill. China United Airlines shall not be obligated to inspect the aforesaid materials or documents. The Shipper and its agent shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay, liability or fine incurred by China United Airlines or others as a result of the Shipper's failure to comply with the provisions of this Article.

6.2 Prepaid Service Fee at Arrival and Customs Formalities 

6.2.1 China United Airlines may (but shall not be obliged to) pay customs duties, taxes and related fees in advance or prepay the service fee for goods on delivery. The term "prepaid service fee at arrival" as mentioned in these Conditions refers to the fee that is generally prepaid by the shipper at the place of departure for providing ancillary services for the transportation of goods at the place of origin and needs to be collected by the carrier from the consignee at the place of destination. Ancillary services are limited to truck transportation, handling and document business to the airport of departure specified in the waybill that has been handled before air transportation. If the advance service fee is paid on demand, China United Airlines will charge a corresponding collection fee in accordance with the applicable fare.

6.2.2 The shipper and the consignee who takes delivery of the goods and exercises the rights conferred by the contract shall be jointly and severally liable to reimburse the expenses referred to in item 6.2.1.

6.2.3 China United Airlines shall not be obligated to pay or prepay the advance or onward freight of the Goods unless the Shipper has already paid in advance and agreed by China United Airlines.

6.2.4 If the goods are required to go through customs clearance and entry formalities at a stopover place, but no customs broker is listed on the waybill, after China United Airlines transports the goods to that place, the goods shall be deemed to have been received by China United Airlines or its designated customs broker consignee.

The waybill certified by China United Airlines to this effect shall be deemed the original of the waybill.

6.3 Schedule, Cargo Route and Flight Cancellation

6.3.1 Unless otherwise specially agreed and indicated on the waybill, China United Airlines promises to transport the goods within a reasonable time.

6.3.2 China United Airlines is obligated to complete the transportation in a reasonable manner. Subject to applicable laws, tariffs and governmental regulations, China United Airlines reserves the right to use other carriers, aircraft types or modes of transportation without notice in case of proper consideration of the shipper's benefits. Shipper allows China United Airlines to select routes and transit points as it deems appropriate or change or deviate from the transportation route indicated on the waybill.

6.3.3 Times published by China United Airlines in timetables or other forms, times specified in charter agreements or quoted by the Charterer are estimated times and do not form part of the contract of carriage nor shall they be deemed to constitute the commencement, completion or delivery of carriage.

6.3.4 China United Airlines shall not be liable for omissions or errors in timetables or other published schedules, nor for interpretations of flight dates, departure and arrival times or circumstances made by its employees, agents or representatives.

6.3.5 China United Airlines may cancel, terminate, change, postpone, delay or advance the flight or cargo without prior notice, or continue to carry no cargo or part of the cargo on the flight in any of the following circumstances: To comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations, orders or requirements; For flight safety and security; Reasons beyond the control of China United Airlines, including actual, threatened or reported weather, natural disasters, terrorism, force majeure, strikes, riots, turmoil, suspension of transportation, wars, conflicts, disturbances or international disputes, as well as delays, provisions, requirements, states of affairs and circumstances directly or indirectly caused by the above reasons; Causes that China United Airlines could not reasonably foresee, expect or predict.

6.3.6 Except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations, if the flight or cargo transportation is canceled, changed, postponed, delayed, advanced or suspended at any place other than the destination due to the reasons mentioned in Article 6.3.5, China United Airlines shall not be liable for this. After the transportation of the goods or part thereof is suspended, China United Airlines shall be deemed to have completed delivery in accordance with the Contract if it hands over the goods to an agent for transshipment and delivery or places the goods into a warehouse for safekeeping. China United Airlines will not bear any other responsibilities after notifying the shipper or consignee of the disposal of the goods at the address specified on the waybill. China United Airlines shall have the right to transport the goods through other routes without obligation, or as the agent of the shipper or consignee to transport the goods by any mode of transportation, and the shipper or consignee shall pay additional expenses.

6.3.7 In compliance with applicable laws, administrative regulations and orders, China United Airlines will make priority transportation arrangements among cargoes and between cargoes and mails or passengers in accordance with the principles of fairness and reasonableness, including specially agreed priority transportation arrangements. China United Airlines may also continue the flight at any time and place after unloading part of the cargo from one shipment. If other goods are not transported or the transportation is postponed or delayed due to priority transportation, or part of the cargo in one shipment is unloaded, China United Airlines shall not be responsible for the consequences caused thereby to the shipper, consignee or other relevant persons. However, China United Airlines will make reasonable arrangements for the transportation of goods that have not been transported in time.

6.4 Certain Rights of the Carrier in Relation to the Carriage of Goods 

If, whether before, during or after the carriage, China United Airlines reasonably deems it necessary to retain the goods, upon giving notice to the shipper, the cargo may forthwith be placed in warehouse for retention, and safekeeping charges, risks or other expenses shall be borne by the shipper and settled at maturity.

China United Airlines may also use other modes of transportation to deliver the goods to the consignee, but the shipper shall reimburse China United Airlines for all expenses or risks incurred.

Article VII Safety and Security of Goods Transportation

Subject to compliance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, orders or requirements, China United Airlines reserves the right to conduct security checks on consigned cargo, including transshipment cargo, in an appropriate manner and charge additional fees for the safety and security of cargo transportation and flight.

Article VIII Shipper's Right to Dispose of Goods

8.1 Exercise of Rights to Dispose of Goods 

The right to dispose of the goods must be exercised by the shipper. The shipper shall exercise the right to dispose of the goods only after presenting the original "delivered to the shipper" waybill and submitting it in writing as specified by China United Airlines. The right to dispose of goods applies to the whole number of consignments filled in a set of waybills. If the consignee is changed due to exercising the right of disposition, the new consignee after such change shall be deemed as the consignee on the shipping bill.

8.2 Shipper's Option for Disposition of Goods 

8.2.1 The shipper has the right to take back the goods at the airport of departure or the airport of destination, or suspend the carriage when there is a stop en route, or request that the goods be handed over to a consignee other than those designated in the waybill at the place of destination or en route, or request that the goods be transported back to the airport of departure under the condition of fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the air transport contract.

8.2.2 The shipper shall exercise the right to change the goods in accordance with laws, regulations or other relevant provisions and pay all expenses incurred by China United Airlines in fulfilling its request for changes. If the shipper's instructions to dispose of the cargo cannot be executed, China United Airlines will immediately notify the shipper. After the notification is issued, China United Airlines shall no longer be obligated to execute such instructions.

8.3 Payment of Fees 

The shipper shall not suffer any loss from the exercise of such right by China United Airlines or other shippers, and shall compensate for the losses arising therefrom. The expenses incurred to the carrier due to the exercise of such right shall also be reimbursed by the shipper.

8.4 Scope of Goods Disposal Right

The shipper's rights shall cease when the consignee has the right to require United Airlines to deliver the goods to him in accordance with Article XIII of the Montreal Convention; however, if the consignee refuses to accept the freight bill or cargo, or China United Airlines is unable to contact the consignee, the shipper will resume its right to dispose of the goods.

Article IX Delivery of Goods

9.1 Notice of Arrival 

Except for the case where the goods need to be reshipped in accordance with Article XI of these Conditions, after the arrival of the goods at the destination, China United Airlines will be responsible for sending the notice of arrival of the goods to the consignee and other persons notified as agreed on the waybill without receiving other instructions. This notice is sent in the usual manner, and China United Airlines shall not be liable for any failure to receive such notice or delay in receipt of such notice.

9.2 Delivery Provisions 

9.2.1 Unless otherwise specifically stated in the waybill, delivery of goods shall be made only to the consignee or his agent named on the waybill. The consignee or the agent shall present valid identity information and sign for relevant vouchers. The delivery of the goods shall be deemed valid if it is made in accordance with one of the following circumstances: China United Airlines has delivered to the consignee or its agent the certificate allowing delivery of the cargo; goods have been delivered to the customs or other government departments in accordance with applicable laws or customs regulations.

9.2.2 Delivery of the Goods shall be effected against the Consignee's written receipt in accordance with the terms of the waybill and 9.6.

9.3 Place of Delivery 

Except as provided in Item 10.2 of these Conditions, the consignee must go through the formalities for delivery and pick-up at the airport of destination or other cargo station designated by China United Airlines.

9.4 Provisions on Consignee's Failure of Normal Pick-up of the Goods

9.4.1 In case of abnormal delivery of goods, it shall be handled according to the provisions of 9.4 and

Following the provisions of 9.5.

If the consignee refuses or fails to take delivery of the cargo within the specified time after arrival at the destination airport, China United Airlines will execute the shipper's instructions stated in the waybill. If the waybill does not contain instructions or the instructions cannot be implemented, China United Airlines will notify the shipper of the consignee's failure to pick up the goods by registered mail or Express Mail Service (EMS) and request the shipper to give instructions. If no instructions are received within 30 days after the notice is sent, China United Airlines may sell off, destroy or discard the goods in accordance with appropriate procedures after giving notice to the consignee.

9.4.2 The shipper shall bear all expenses arising from or in connection with the consignee's failure to take delivery of the goods, including but not limited to the cost of keeping the goods and the cost of returning the goods according to the shipper's instructions. If the shipper refuses or neglects to make payment within 15 days after the goods are returned to the airport of departure, China United Airlines may notify the shipper of its intention to dispose of the goods by registered mail or Express Mail Service (EMS) according to the address specified in the waybill, and dispose of and sell off all or part of the goods 10 days after the notice is issued.

9.5 Regulations on Disposal of Fresh and Perishable Goods

9.5.1 If the fresh and perishable goods are delayed during transportation by China United Airlines, if no one takes delivery of or refuses to take delivery of the goods at the place where the goods are delivered, or if the goods deteriorate due to other reasons, China United Airlines may destroy or discard all or part of the goods in order to protect its own interests and the interests of other parties. The communication fee for requesting instructions from the Shipper shall be paid by the Shipper, and the safekeeping expenses and risks of the goods or part of the goods shall also be borne by the shipper. China United Airlines may also dispose of or sell the cargo or part thereof without notice, or take such other measures as it deems appropriate and notify the shipper or consignee.

9.5.2 In the event of the above-mentioned sale of the goods, no matter at the destination or any other place where the goods have been returned, China United Airlines may use the proceeds from the sale to pay all fees, disbursements, expenses and costs of sale that shall be received or incurred by China United Airlines or other modes of transportation carriers. The remaining amount after deducting the aforesaid expenses will be handled as instructed by the shipper. Provided, that the sale of the goods shall not relieve the shipper or owner of the responsibility for payment of the deficiency.

9.6 Responsibility for Payment of Expenses

The consignee accepting delivery of the goods shall be liable to pay all outstanding charges in connection with the carriage; unless otherwise agreed, the shipper shall not be relieved from liability for payment of these charges and shall be jointly and severally liable with the consignee. Delivery of the goods or waybills must be effected only after these charges have been paid in full.

Article X Pick-up and Delivery Services

10.1 General Provisions

10.1.1 The goods shall be transported to the airport of destination or the cargo station designated by China United Airlines after being collected from the Cargo Terminal or the Airport of Departure.

10.1.2 Pick-up and delivery services provided by China United Airlines will be handled in accordance with the location and scope specified in its manuals and regulations, as well as the service rates and charges established by China United Airlines.

10.2 Presentation of Service Requirements

Where collection and delivery services are required, they shall be requested by the shipper or consignee.

10.3 Goods Requiring Special Services

The cargo that, in the opinion of China United Airlines, requires special handling due to its volume, nature, value or weight shall be provided with pick-up and delivery services only after prior special arrangements have been made by the shipper or consignee and approved by China United Airlines.

10.4 Restrictions on the Provision of Services

10.4.1 No pick-up or delivery service shall be provided for goods that cannot be shipped by ordinary vehicles, or goods that cannot enter the shipper's or consignee's premises by ordinary vehicles.

10.4.2 The loading and unloading operations of pick-up or delivery services will not exceed the interface area between the loading platform or doorway and the vehicle.

10.5 Handling, Loading and Unloading Operations

For the handling, loading and unloading of goods requiring more than one person, prior arrangement must be made with China United Airlines before pick-up and delivery services can be provided. The costs and risks associated with the additional manpower and equipment required for the arrangement shall be borne by the shipper or the consignee.

10.6 Service Time

Pick-up and delivery services are generally provided during normal business hours unless prior arrangements have been made by the shipper or consignee with China United Airlines.

10.7 Goods Undelivered

The goods that cannot be delivered to the consignee for the first time due to reasons not attributable to China United Airlines will be returned to the warehouse, and the non-delivery will be notified to the consignee immediately. The re-delivery service shall be provided upon the request of the consignee and payment of the specified service fee separately.

10.8 Responsibilities

If pick-up or delivery service is handled by China United Airlines, the transportation responsibilities shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Conditions unless otherwise specified.

Article XI Pre-transportation and Onward Transportation of Goods

11.1 General Provisions

The goods specified on the waybill may be pre-shipped or forwarded separately in accordance with clearly agreed conditions. The term "pre-transportation of goods" as mentioned in the Conditions refers to the pre-transportation of goods to the departure airport by ground transportation; and "onward transportation of goods" refers to the onward transportation of goods out of the destination airport by ground transportation. 

11.2 Responsibilities and Pre-transportation and Onward Transportation Arrangements

If the goods to be pre-delivered or forwarded is carried by a flight of China United Airlines, the responsibilities for pre-transportation or onward transportation shall be handled in accordance with Article XIII of the Conditions. Under any other circumstance, if China United Airlines issues the pre-transportation or onward shipment of goods as a carrier or final carrier according to the contract, China United Airlines shall only act as an agent of the shipper or consignee to handle the pre-transportation or onward transportation of goods. Unless it is proved to be caused by the negligence or intentional acts of China United Airlines, China United Airlines shall not be liable for the damage to the goods in this additional transportation. In order to complete such pre-transportation or onward transportation, the shipper, owner of cargo or consignee will authorize China United Airlines to determine which arrangements are deemed appropriate, including but not limited to: Select the mode and route of transportation for pre-transportation and onward transportation of the goods (except as expressly indicated by the shipper in the waybill); the filling and acceptance of transportation documents (which may include provisions exempting or limiting liability); consignment of pre-transportation and onward transportation (no value declaration is handled, although the amount of the declared value has been filled in the waybill).

Article XII Successive Carriers

Transportation of goods by several successive carriers under one air waybill is considered a single transportation process. Each carrier is a contracting party to the carriage contract in respect of the segment of carriage it undertakes under the transportation contract. 

Article XIII Responsibilities of Carrier

13.1 Applicable Laws and Regulations

13.1.1 The international transportation of air goods handled by China United Airlines is subject to the applicable laws, regulations and conditions specified in 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Conditions.

13.1.2 International transportation under the Convention is any transportation which, according to a contract concluded between the parties, with or without a break in the transportation or with or without transfer, has its place of departure and destination within the territories of two States Parties to the Convention, or within the territory of one State Party with an agreed stopover place in the territory of another State Party, even if that State is not a Contracting State.

13.1.3 Agreed stopover places in international transportation conforming to the convention (which may be changed by the carrier as necessary or agreed under the Conditions) means the scheduled stopover places on the goods transportation route, which are indicated on the air waybill or published in the flight schedule, in addition to the departure and destination places. Transportation performed by several successive carriers is considered to be a single business activity.

13.2 Exemption and Limitation of Liability

13.2.1 China United Airlines shall be liable to the shipper, consignee or other relevant persons for any destruction, loss, damage or delay of goods caused by events that occur during air transportation. The term "air transportation period" as mentioned in the Conditions refers to the entire period during which the goods are under the control of China United Airlines, whether within an airport, on a civil aircraft, or at any location outside an airport where the aircraft lands. The air transportation period excludes any process of land transportation, sea transportation, and inland water transportation outside the airport. However, such land transport, sea transport, and inland water transport are loaded, delivered, or transferred to perform the air transport contract. The loss incurred shall be deemed to have occurred during the air transportation in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

13.2.2 China United Airlines shall not be liable for any destruction, loss, damage or delay of the goods directly or indirectly caused by compliance with laws, administrative regulations, orders or requirements, or due to the failure of the shipper, consignee or other relevant persons to comply with such laws, administrative regulations, orders or requirements, or due to reasons beyond the control of China United Airlines.

13.2.3 The liability of China United Airlines will be limited to the limit specified in the convention.

13.2.4 China United Airlines shall not be liable if it proves that the destruction, loss or damage of the goods is caused by one of the following reasons: Inherent defect, quality, nature or blemish of the goods; Inadequate packing of the goods if any person other than China United Airlines or its employees or agents packs the goods; War or armed conflict; Related acts about the exit, entry and transit of goods carried out by related departments of government.

13.2.5 China United Airlines shall not be liable for any animal injuries, deaths, expenses, or losses arising from the following circumstances: Animals die due to natural causes; Animals that are injured or killed due to biting, kicking, stabbing, or suffocation from themselves or other animals. Animals are injured or killed due to or contributed by their own condition, nature, or behavior; Injuries or deaths of animals caused or contributed to by poor packaging; Animals cause or contribute to injury or death due to their inability to withstand the unavoidable changes in physical environment during air transportation.

13.2.6 China United Airlines may accept the transportation of goods that are susceptible to deterioration or spoilage due to general changes in weather, temperature, altitude, etc., or due to the time required for transit or transfer, but shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by such deterioration or spoilage.

13.2.7 To the extent not inconsistent with law, China United Airlines shall not be liable for any consequential damage or loss arising out of transportation subject to this condition, whether or not it is aware that such damage or loss may arise.

13.2.8 In the event of any damage or loss caused or contributed to by the fault of the shipper, consignee or other claimant as evidenced by China United Airlines during the transportation of the goods, such liability shall be indemnified or mitigated accordingly in accordance with applicable law.

13.2.9 For loss, damage or delay of goods in international transportation, the liability of compensation of China United Airlines shall be limited to 22 special drawing rights or its equivalent currency per kilogram of gross weight. If the shipper specially declares the value at the time of delivery at the destination and pays a surcharge for the declared value, China United Airlines's liability of compensation shall be limited to the transportation value declared on the waybill, but the amount declared by the shipper shall not exceed the actual value of the goods at the time of delivery at the destination. All claims shall be made on the basis of proof of actual value.

13.2.10 In the event of loss, damage or delay to a part of the goods or any item in the goods, the weight used to determine the limit of liability of compensation of China United Airlines shall only be the total weight of such package or packages. However, if part of the goods or any item thereof is lost, damaged or delayed so as to affect the value of other packages listed in the same waybill, the total weight of such packages shall be taken into account when the limit of liability of compensation of China United Airlines is determined. In the absence of proof to the contrary, in calculating the value of the lost, damaged or delayed part of the goods, if the value of a single piece cannot be determined, the actual loss shall be calculated based on the average value of the goods.

13.2.11 For "foreign air transportation" within the meaning of "United States Road Traffic Rules", no other provisions shall be referred to except the following provisions: In the event of loss, damage or delay of the goods, the weight used to determine the limit of liability of compensation of China United Airlines shall be the weight that determines the freight of the goods; In the event that part of goods in a single consignment is lost, damaged or delayed, to determine the limit of liability of compensation of China United Airlines, the weight in shall be apportioned and calculated according to the proportion of the weight of packages whose value is affected under the same waybill to the weight of the entire shipment. If one or more goods in the same package are lost, damaged or delayed, the weight for determining liability of compensation is the weight of the whole package.

13.2.12 The shipper and its agent shall be liable for the loss, damage, delay, liability compensation or fine caused by the property and consigned goods of the shipper and the owner and consignee who should be responsible according to applicable laws.

China United Airlines may discard or destroy the goods at any time without notice because of any inherent defect, quality, flaw or poor packaging of the goods that may endanger aircraft, persons or property, and shall not be liable for it.

13.2.13 In the event that an Air Waybill is issued by China United Airlines for transportation on another carrier's flight, China United Airlines shall only act as an agent of such other carrier. The other carrier stated in the waybill to carry out the transportation shall be deemed to have provided the entrusted carrier for such transportation, and China United Airlines shall not be liable for any destruction, loss, damage or delay of goods carried by such other carrier's flight. However, the shipper is entitled to bring an action against the first carrier for destruction, loss, damage or delay of the goods as provided in the contract, and the consignee or other person entitled to accept delivery of the goods is also entitled to bring an action against the last carrier as provided in the contract.

13.2.14 China United Airlines shall not be liable for any injury, harm or death of animal supercargoes caused or contributed to by the condition and behavior of animals.

13.2.15 Any provisions concerning exemption or limitation of liability of China United Airlines in the Conditions shall apply to the agents, employees or representatives of China United Airlines, as well as any person and his/her agent, employee or representative who provides China United Airlines with the use of its aircraft or other means of transportation. However, the above-mentioned personnel shall act within the scope of their employment and agency. In this case, the total amount of compensation for China United Airlines and its employees and agents shall not exceed the above liability limit.

13.2.16 The shipper understands and agrees that the freight charges and rates for goods transportation are provided on the premise of the limitation of liability of China United Airlines, and based on the full consideration of the aforementioned premises, it is further agreed that in addition to other obligations and responsibilities stipulated herein, the carrier expressly agrees to indemnify and protect China United Airlines and its agents, employees, or representatives, as well as any person providing China United Airlines with the use of its aircraft or other means of transportation and their agents, employees, or representatives, from any liabilities and claims exceeding the liability limits stipulated in these conditions.

Article XIV Objections and Duration of Action

14.1 General Provisions

A person who has the right to accept delivery of goods without raising an objection is the prima facie evidence that the goods have been delivered in good condition in accordance with the transportation contract.

14.2 Time Limit for Objection

In the event of loss or damage to the goods, the person entitled to receive the goods must submit a written objection to China United Airlines within the following time limits; otherwise, no lawsuit can be brought against China United Airlines:

14.2.1 If it is found that the goods are obviously damaged or a part of the goods is lost, it shall be reported immediately, at least within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods;

14.2.2 In case of other damages to the goods, it must be made within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods;

14.2.3 If the goods are delayed, it must be made within 21 days from the date when the person entitled to accept the delivery of the goods is in charge of the goods;

14.2.4 In case of non-delivery of the goods, notice must be given within 120 days from the date on which the waybill is filled out.

14.3 Duration of Actions

An action as to liability of compensation shall be brought within two years from the date of arrival of the aircraft at its destination, or from the date on which it ought to have arrived, or from the date on which the transportation was terminated.

Otherwise, the right to compensation for damages will be lost. The calculation method of the term is based on the legal determination of the place where the court accepts the case.

Article XV Non-Inconsistence with Laws

If these Conditions contain provisions that are inconsistent with applicable laws, administrative regulations, orders or requirements, the remaining provisions shall remain valid except for those inconsistent.

Article XVI. Final Provisions

16.1 Modification and Waiver

No agent, employee or representative of China United Airlines has the right to change, modify or waive any provision of the Conditions.

16.2 Effect of Title

All article and paragraph titles are for the convenience of statement only and have no binding force;

Only the specific content of the terms constitutes a legally effective part of the Conditions.

16.3 Data Ownership

The ownership, intellectual property rights and other rights and interests of all data (including but not limited to personal identity and contact information, goods weight, category and logistics information, order and financial information, complaint and interactive information, etc.) obtained by China United Airlines from the shipper, consignee and their agents or other relevant parties in the process of providing air transportation services, as well as any rights and interests obtained by handling, using and processing such data shall belong to China United Airlines. China United Airlines has the right to collect, store, use, process, transmit, provide and disclose such data according to law.

16.4 Publication of Conditions of Transportation

These conditions of transportation are effective from October 30, 2024.