您的位置:首页 >旅客须知> 国际运输总条件









第一条 定义

第二条 适用范围

第三条 客票

第四条 票价与税费

第五条 定座与购票

第六条 特殊旅客

第七条 拒绝运输

第八条 航班超售

第九条 乘机

第十条 行李运输

第十一条 班期时刻、延误及取消

第十二条 退票

第十三条 客票变更

第十四条 旅客服务

第十五条 第三方服务安排

第十六条 航空器上的行为

第十七条 行政手续

第十八条 连续承运人

第十九条 损害赔偿责任

第二十条 异议和诉讼

第二十一条 旅客投诉

第二十二条 生效和修改


































































1.60“不可抗力”,指不能预见、不能避免且不能克服,即使采取一切合理的措施仍不能避免其后 果发生的客观情况。















































































5.1.8 旅客须自行查阅航班始发地、经停地点或者目的地国的出入境相关规定。如果旅客因未遵守出入境规定而导致无法完成旅行,中国联合航空不承担相应责任。






























锚点第六条 特殊旅客




















锚点第七条 拒绝运输



















8.1 一般规定



8.2 征集自愿者程序


8.2.1 积极寻找自愿放弃座位的旅客,并按照第8.4.3款规定给予合理的赔偿,做好超售的预处理工作。          

8.2.2 在无自愿放弃乘机的旅客且已采取尽力消除超售状态的措施后,仍然超售的情况下,中国联合航空或其他地面服务代理人将安排人员在值机柜台或登机口寻找主动放弃座位的自愿者,并与旅客协商自愿放弃行程的条件。

8.2.3 只有在没有足够自愿放弃乘机的旅客的情况下且已采取尽力消除超售状态的措施后,仍然超售的,中国联合航空才会使用优先登机规则确定被拒绝登机的旅客。


8.3 优先登机规则









8.4 超售赔偿标准







(注:表格内时间按实际搭乘航班计划到达时间起算;表格内航线区域参照IATA航空运输业务区。) 旅客要求退票的,除按非自愿退票规定办理外,中国联合航空还将按8.的标准进行赔偿。 旅客接受后续航班成行的,除按非自愿变更航程办理外,中国联合航空还将按8.的标准进行赔偿。 因超售导致被非自愿降舱的旅客,按以下标准给予赔偿:

(注:表格内航线区域参照IATA航空运输业务区;除以上非自愿降舱赔偿外,因超售导致公务舱旅客非自愿降舱至超级经济舱(经济舱前舱)/经济舱时,公务舱旅客票款按实际运价80%退还;因超售导致超级经济舱(经济舱前舱)旅客非自愿降舱至经济舱时,超级经济舱(经济舱前舱)旅客票款按实际运价20%退还。) 如发生航班超售拒载的当地法律、法规另有规定的,适用该法律、法规。

8.4.4 赔偿币种


8.5 被拒载旅客的后续服务


8.5.1 按照下列顺序,优先安排旅客乘坐最近可利用的航班: 变更至本公司同航线其它直达航班; 变更至本公司其它非直达航班; 符合条件时签转至其他公司同航线直达航班; 符合条件时签转至其他公司非直达航班。






9.1.1 旅客应当在中国联合航空或各机场规定的乘机登记截止时间前,凭本人有效身份证件与购票时一致的有效身份证件及客票按时办理客票查验、托运行李,领取登机牌获取纸质或者电子登机凭证等乘机手续。






9.2.1中国联合航空按旅客已经定妥的航班和舱位等级提供座位,尽量满足旅客对同等舱位等级座位的要求,但不保证提供旅客 所指定的座位。





9.3.2由于中国联合航空原因导致旅客误机后要求改乘后续航班的 ,在后续航班有空余座位的情况下,中国联合航空将积极予以安排,不向旅客收取客票变更费;旅客要求退票的,中国联合航空不收取退票费。由于旅客原因导致误机后要求改乘后续航班或退票的,中国联合航空可以按客票的适用条件收取相应费用。












9.7.2 对于旅客未遵守本条件 9.7.1 的规定,未能在中国联合航空规定的时间内登机的,中国联合航空将取消旅客的座位,亦不承担旅客由此而产生的任何损失责任。



















































































10.10.3每件占座行李体积不得超过 40×60×100 厘米,且重量不得超过75千克。





















10.13.8 托运行李只能交付的地点:客票上列明的目的地点;第一个中途分程的地点;转运给与中国联合航空没有联程运输协议,或者行李运输规定不同的其他承运人运输的续程航班的衔接地点;续程航班座位已经定妥的目的地点;续程航班衔接地点的到达机场;旅客需要提取全部行李的地点;客票航程上付费行李费已经付清的地点;有关国家规定的,必须办妥海关手续后才能继续联程运输的地点。




10.15 详细行李托运标准请查阅《中国联合航空有限公司国际托运行李及非托运行李运输方案》规定。












11.6.2 征得旅客及被签转承运人同意后,签转给其它承运人;

11.6.3 按本条件12.4“非自愿退票”的规定办理。


11.8 除另有规定外,在中国联合航空发布航班延误、取消等不正常航班信息前,旅客已自愿取消定座或因非承运人原因误机、漏乘等情况,后续办理客票退改签手续时,按照客票适用条件办理;在中国联合航空发布航班延误、取消等不正常航班信息前,旅客已按自愿退改签规定办理客票变更手续的,其支付的变更费、退票费均不退还。





(1) 因中国联合航空的原因造成航班延误2小时(含)以上,中国联合航空为旅客提供饮用水和食品。

(2) 因中国联合航空的原因造成航班延误4小时(含)以上,至晚上二十二点以后,且计划航班取消的,中国联合航空为旅客提供带盥洗设施的标准间住宿。



(1) 航班在经停地延误2小时(含)以上,中国联合航空为旅客提供饮用水和食品。

(2) 若当日无后续航班,中国联合航空为旅客提供带盥洗设施的标准间住宿。


(1) 航班备降后但不安排旅客下机的情况,按照本条件第11.10.5条服务。

(2) 若当日无后续航班,中国联合航空为旅客提供带盥洗设施的标准间住宿。


(1) 机上延误超过2小时(含)的,中国联合航空将为机上旅客提供饮用水和食品。

(2) 机上延误超过3个小时(含)且无明确起飞时间的,中国联合航空将在不违反航空安全、安全保卫规定的情况下,安排旅客下飞机等待。





(1) 中国联合航空应当在掌握航班状态发生变化之后的30分钟内通过公共信息平台、官方网站、呼叫中心、短信或电话、广播等方式,及时、准确地向旅客发布航班出港延误或者取消信息,包括航班出港延误或者取消原因及航班动态;发生机上延误后,中国联合航空应当每30分钟向旅客通告延误原因、预计延误时间等航班动态信息。

(2) 中国联合航空授权地面服务代理人应当利用候机楼内的公共平台及时向旅客通告航班出港延误或者取消信息。

(3) 中国联合航空授权销售代理人应当将中国联合航空通告的航班出港延误或者取消的信息及时通告旅客。

(4) 各单位应当加强协调,及时传递相关信息,确保对外发布的航班信息真实、一致。























12.5.1 客票全部未使用,扣除退票手续费后,退还剩余票款及税费,已收取的变更手续费不退;

12.5.2 客票已部分使用,扣除单独购买已使用航段应支付的运价、相关税费和退票手续费,将余额退还旅客,已收取的变更手续费不退;

12.5.3 若单独购买已使用航段应支付的运价与全程票价相比后,前者大于或等于后者时,未使用航段票款不退,其中未使用航段的可退税费退还旅客,已收取的变更手续费不退;

12.5.4 除本条件或中国联合航空规定另行载明外,客票上注明不得退票或无余额可退的客票,税费可单独退还,不收取手续费,已收取的变更手续费不退。




12.6.3旅客因病要求退票,按以下规定办理: 旅客因健康原因不宜乘机而申请退票,需在航班计划起飞时刻之前取消已订妥的座位,在客票有效期内提出退票申请,并提供由国内二级甲等以上医院填写,或由国外诊所或医院(医疗中心)出具的下列两类文件之一:在航班计划起飞时刻之前开具的,在飞行期间不适宜乘机且盖章的《诊断证明书》。在航班计划起飞时刻之前开具的,能够证明旅客在客票列明的航班飞行期间不适宜乘机的真实有效的诊疗证明原件或复印件(如诊断书、病历、住院证明等)和医疗机构 收费票据或复印件(如挂号、门急诊、住院)。 患病旅客申请退票,按“非自愿退票”办理;若其同行旅客(最多限两位)同时申请退票,须附患病旅客的客票 (或《行程单》)复印件及相关证明复印件,按“非自愿退票”办理。

12.6.4 办理身故旅客及其陪同人员退票,按以下规定办理:

为身故旅客办理退票,需要出示身故旅客死亡证明复印件,按“非自愿退票”办理;若其同行旅客(最多限两位) 同时申请退票,按“非自愿退票”办理。














因本条件 3.3.1 款所列明的情况之一,导致旅客根据本条件可以申请变更航班、日期、降低舱位等级、属于非自愿变更,按以下规定办理:


















































































































21.1 旅客投诉











The General Conditions of China United Airlines for International Passenger and Baggage Carriage (hereinafter referred to as "these Conditions") are specifically generated to define clearly the rights and obligations of China United Airlines Co., Ltd which is termed as "China United Airlines" in this manual according to Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China, Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations on Passenger Service Management in Public Air Transport (MOT Order 2021 No.3), and some internationally acceptable practices or conventions on civil aviation as well.

Special notice:

Please read carefully all of the contents in these Conditions in advance. Any passenger who directly applies to China United Airlines for a ticket or directly via a third party or who doesn't apply to China United Airlines for a ticket but actually takes the flight provided by China United Airlines shall express his/her willingness to accept and abide entirely by what is included in these Conditions.

Table of Contents

Article 1 Definitions 1

Article 2 Applicability 5

Article 3 Tickets 6

Article 4 Fares and Taxes 9

Article 5 Booking and Ticketing 10

Article 6 Special Passengers 13

Article 7 Refusal of Transport 15

Article 8 Flight Overbooking 16

Article 9 Check-in and Boarding 18

Article 10 Baggage Carriage 20

Article 11 Flight Schedules, Delays and Cancellations 28

Article 12 Refunds 31

Article 13 Passenger Ticket Changes 34

Article 14 Passenger Services 35

Article 15 Third Party Services Arrangement 36

Article 16 Conduct On-board 37

Article 17 Administrative Formalities 38

Article 18 Successive Carriers 39

Article 19 Liability for Damages 40

Article 20 Claims and Litigation Actions 43

Article 21 Passenger Complaints 44

Article 22 Effectiveness and Modification 45

Article 1 Definitions

Unless otherwise specified or required, the terms used in these Conditions are defined as follows:

1.1 Convention is one of the designations for treaties. It refers to a political or special treaty reached by three or more countries. As mentioned in these Conditions, the convention specifically means the treaty concluded by the People's Republic of China, which is applicable to international carriage by air, including but not limited to:

1.1.1 The Convention signed in Canada, Montreal on 28 May 1999 for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air is hereinafter referred to as “The Montreal Convention”;

1.1.2 The Convention signed in Poland, Warsaw, 12 October 1929 for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air is referred to as “The Warsaw Convention”;

1.1.3 The Warsaw Convention was amended at The Hague on 28 September 1955, and the protocol which organized its amendment is referred to as “The Hague Protocol”;

1.1.4 The Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Aircraft Boarding was signed on 14 September 1963 at Tokyo, Japan, and is abbreviated to “The Tokyo Convention”.

1.2 International Carriage by Air referred to as “International Carriage”, means that in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract of carriage between China United Airlines and the passenger (considered as the concerned parties) of which the place of departure and the transit point or destination is not located on the Chinese territory, whether there is a break or continuity/transshipment in the carriage or not.

1.3 Regional Route Carriage by Air means the transportation between or among certain places within the territory of China, including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwanese Region.

1.4 Contract of Carriage by Air means the contract by which the air carrier transports passengers, baggage or cargo from the departure to the destination and the passenger, the shipper or the consignee pays the airfares or carriage fees.

1.5 China United Airlines is the short for China United Airlines Co., Ltd, and KN represents its flight English code.

1.6 Carrier means the public air transport enterprise which uses civil aircrafts to carry the passengers and baggage for profit.

1.7 Contracting Carrier means the carrier that uses the enterprise ticket and ticket number to sign the air transport contract with the passengers.

1.8 Operating Carrier means the carrier that performs the related carriage under the authorization of the contracting carrier.

1.9 China United Airlines Regulations means, in addition to these Conditions, the provisions which are published by China United Airlines for the administration of the carriage of passengers and/or their baggage and effective as per date filling in the Ticket, which shall include any valid applicable fares.

1.10 China United Airlines Air Sales Agent means an enterprise that is established in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, signs a sales agency agreement with China United Airlines, and engages in the sales of passenger service of public air transport.

1.11 China United Airlines Ground Service Agent means an enterprise that is established in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, signs a ground service agency agreement with China United Airlines, and engages in ground service agent business at airports within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.

1.12 Passenger means any person, except members of a crew, who has been carried or to be carried on board an aircraft with the consent of China United Airlines.

1.13 Child Passenger means a passenger who has reached his/her second birthday but not his/her 12th one as of the date of commencing to take flights/air carriage.

1.14 Infant Passenger means a passenger who has reached his/her 14 days of age but not his/her second birthday as of the date of commencing to take flights/air carriage.

1.15 Special Passengers include but are not limited to VIP passengers, infants (children), unaccompanied minors, pregnant women, lying-in women, patients or sick passengers, disabled passengers (e.g.: the physically disabled, the blind, the deaf, and the mentally retarded), wheelchair users, passengers with stretchers, passengers who are deprived of entry into the destination country, repatriated passengers, convicts or criminals (including suspects), seamen/seafarers and drunken passengers.

1.16 Tariff means fares, charges and/or any other applicable conditions published by China United Airlines.

1.17 Normal Fare means the maximum adult fare applicable to a single physical class (including first class, premium business class, business class, premium economy class and economy class) as published by China United Airlines, including child fares and infant fares paid at appropriate rate of the applicable normal fare for adults.

1.18 Special Fare means a fare other than the normal fare.

1.19 Flight means the regularly scheduled flight of an aircraft on the prescribed route, date and time.

1.20 Passenger Reservation Document means the business document which must be filled in by a passenger before purchasing a ticket. It is used for reservation and issuance of China United Airlines ticket or its Air Sales Agent.

1.21 Reservation or Booking means the reservation of the class of service, or the weight and volume of Baggage (excluding the specific seat number) reserved by the Passenger.

1.22 Valid Identification Certificates means a valid certificate required by the government authorities to prove the identity of a Passenger when purchasing a ticket and boarding, such as valid (visa) passport that can be used in accordance with the regulations, residence permits for Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan Region residents, certificate of nationality for the seaman, and other documents.

1.23 Ticket means one type of transport voucher which is sold or recognized by China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agent and is entrusted with the carriage right. It is divided into paper tickets and electronic tickets.

1.24 Electronic Ticket or E-ticket means a ticket in a form of electronic data sold by China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agent. It is the electronic substitute for a paper ticket.

1.25 Air Services Electronic Ticket Itinerary (hereinafter referred to as the Itinerary) means the document provided by China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agent to a passenger as a payment voucher for the purchase of an e-ticket and a reminder of his/her itinerary.

1.26 Interline Flight means two or more flights listed in a single contract of carriage.

1.27 Flight Coupon means the portion titled “Valid Flight” on a paper ticket, and, in the case of an electronic ticket, the part indicating the flight information stored in the air transport enterprise’s database displayed in the form of electronic data, which indicates that the passenger whose name is shown on the coupon is entitled to take the flight between the designated locations set forth on the coupon.

1.28 Passenger Coupon means that portion on a paper ticket titled “Passenger coupon” which shall always be held by the passenger.

1.29 Day means a calendar day rather than a working day, including all seven days of the week. However, in case the ticket validity period is determined, the ticket issuance day or the carriage commencement day shall not be considered in case the passenger is notified.

1.30 No-show means that the passenger fails to get on board or to complete checking formalities within the prescribed time limit or he/she fails to comply with the requirements for ID documents.

1.31 Missed Flight means that the passenger fails to board on the flight indicated on his/her ticket after check-in or during transit at the stopover.

1.32 Wrong Boarding means that a passenger is boarding on an aircraft that is not indicated on his/her ticket.

1.33 Misconnection means that, in order to continue his/her, a passenger will not be allowed to catch the connecting flight in which he/she holds a confirmed seat due to the delay or cancellation of flight.

1.34 Overbooking means the behavior of China United Airlines that sells more seats than the actual available seats on a certain flight in order to avoid empty seats.

1.35 Denied Boarding Volunteer means a passenger who has been ready to board but is willing, upon the China United Airlines request, to give up his/her seat in exchange for compensation according to the Regulations of China United Airlines.

1.36 Refusal to Transport means a situation in which China United Airlines refuses to transport a passenger and his/her baggage due to security or other reasons.

1.37 Code-Sharing Flight means a flight operated by a carrier in which China United Airlines uses its own airline code, or a flight on which several airlines use their respective flight numbers through an agreement.

1.38 Baggage means the items that are agreed to be transported by China United Airlines and carried by passengers during travel, including checked baggage and unchecked baggage.

1.39 Checked Baggage means the baggage for which a baggage transport voucher is presented and of which China United Airlines takes custody and carriage.

1.40 Unchecked Baggage means baggage that is in the care of the passenger.

1.41 Free Baggage Allowance means the allowance of a passenger’s baggage that can be checked free of charge in accordance with the China United Airlines provisions.

1.42 Baggage Check means the portion of a ticket which is related to the passenger’s baggage carriage.

1.43 Baggage Identification/Claim means the document which is solely issued to a passenger by China United Airlines for identification of the checked baggage.

1.44 Check-in Deadline means the latest time for a passenger to check in as prescribed by China United Airlines.

1.45 Stopover means that a passenger has deliberately arranged an interruption of the journey at a point between the departure and the destination as it has been confirmed in advance by China United Airlines.

1.46 Transit Point means the location other than the departure and the destination, which is set forth in the ticket as a prescribed transit point on the passenger's route.

1.47 Flight Cancellation means the situation where the flight plan is stopped due to an expected flight delay or the flight plan is stopped due to a delay.

1.48 Onboard Delay means the situation where passengers wait onboard the aircraft for more than the ground taxi time specified by the airport after the aircraft door is closed to before takeoff or after landing to before the door is opened.

1.49 Voluntary Refund means a refund requested by a passenger for his/her own reasons.

1.50 Involuntary Refund means a refund made by a passenger that is resulted from cancellation, delay, advancement of flight, change in itinerary, change in class or inability to operate the original flight of China United Airlines.

1.51 Voluntary Ticket Change means ticket change requested by a passenger for his/her own reasons.

1.52 Involuntary Ticket Change means ticket change made by a passenger that is resulted from cancellation, delay, advancement of flight, change in itinerary, change in class or inability to operate the original flight of China United Airlines.

1.53 Endorsement means change of the carrier indicated on the passenger ticket.

1.54 China United Airlines Reason means internal management reasons of China United Airlines, including maintenance, flight allocation and crew allocation etc.

1.55 Non-China United Airlines Reason means other reasons unrelated to internal management of China United Airlines, including weather, emergencies, ATC, security, and passenger etc.

1.56 Damage means loss caused to China United Airlines by death or bodily injury of a passenger on board the aircraft or during the course of getting on or off the flight. It also defined as any other damage caused during which a whole or any part of property is taken in charge by China United Airlines or any theft of the property; or any loss caused by the passenger him/herself to the unchecked baggage due to China United Airlines or its agent's fault.

1.57 Minimum Transit Time means the minimum time published by China United Airlines for a passenger at the transit airport for processing formalities regarding the interline carriage or flights transfer.

1.58 Assistive Device for Disabled Passenger means any equipment that assists a passenger with disabilities to cope with the effects of their disabilities in hearing, seeing, communicating and acting.

1.59 Small Animal means small sized animal checked in by Passengers, including domestic cats, dogs, and other types of small animals. Wild animal, animal of unusual shapes or animal that could easily cause harm to people, such as snakes, do not belong under the scope of Small Animals.

1.60 Force Majeure means the unpredictable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective circumstances, the consequences of which still cannot be avoided after all reasonable measures have been taken.

Article 2 Applicability

2.1 Basic Principles

2.1.1 Except for those otherwise specified in Articles 2.1.2, 2.2, and 2.4, these Conditions shall apply to all international and regional air transport in connection with the carriage of passengers and baggage performed by China United Airlines aircrafts for revenues.

2.1.2 Unless otherwise prescribed for the carriage conditions, contracts and tickets of the gratuitous and Special Fares, these Conditions also apply to the carriage under these kinds of fares. In case of any discrepancy, special conditions and tariff rules shall prevail.

2.2 Chartered Flights

In case of carriage provided by the China United Airlines’ chartered flights contract, these Conditions only apply to the extent where they are covered in the provisions quoted in the contract and on the ticket the aforementioned flights.

2.3 Code Sharing

In accordance with the code sharing arrangements between China United Airlines and other carriers, these Conditions only apply to Code-Shared Flights operated by China United Airlines.

General Conditions of China United Airlines for Carriage is also applicable to code-share flights actually operated by other carriers. However, each operating carrier of code-share flights has its own general conditions or terms of carriage for its flight operations, and some of the contents may be different from the general conditions of China United Airlines for carriage. These different terms and conditions of the operating carrier (excluding free baggage allowance, free baggage allowance for code-sharing flights shall be subject to the content agreed upon when signing the transport contract), which will be regarded as the general conditions of China United Airlines for the code-sharing flights, and the content corresponding to the general conditions of China United Air Transport on the code-share flights operated by the operating carrier will be applied first. There may be different terms and conditions between China United Airlines and the operating carrier of the code-share flight, including but not limited to:

(1) Deadline for check-in;

(2) Refusal and limitation of transport;

(3) Compensation for denied boarding and flight delay;

(4) No smoking on flights.

2.4 Legal priority

These Conditions apply to the international carriage provided by China United Airlines. If they are inconsistent with the applicable laws or China United Airlines tariff rules, those laws or tariff rules shall prevail.

In case of any inconsistency between these Conditions and applicable laws, administrative regulations, rules and orders of a nation, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, except for those inconsistent terms.

Unless otherwise provided in these Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail if any other China United Airlines regulations are not in line with them.

Article 3 Tickets

3.1 General Rules

3.1.1 The ticket constitutes prima facie evidence of the contract of carriage between China United Airlines and the passenger.

3.1.2 China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agents is obliged to issue a ticket to a passenger only after the passenger has paid all fares required by China United Airlines.

3.1.3 China United Airlines will only provide carriage services to the passenger who is indicated on the ticket and may request him/her to show his/her Valid Identification Certificates (see Article 1.22).

3.1.4 The ticket cannot be transferred or altered; otherwise it will become invalid and non-refundable. If someone other than the person entitled to be carried or to be refunded has traveled with or refunded the ticket and it is not due to China United Airlines intention or gross negligence, China United Airlines shall not be responsible for a refund to the person in concern.

3.1.5 If a passenger traveling on a paper ticket fails to produce a valid ticket issued in accordance to the China United Airlines Regulations containing the flight coupon for the intended flight and all other unused flight and passenger coupons, he/she has no right to request for boarding. A passenger who produces an incomplete ticket or a ticket that has been changed by a person other than China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agents is not also allowed to request for boarding.

3.1.6 A passenger traveling on an e-ticket is asked to present his/her Valid ID Certificates provided at the time of ticket purchase. If the electronic flight coupon is displayed as valid, China United Airlines will provide carriage, and if it has been converted into a paper ticket, China United Airlines will provide carriage to the passenger only after he/she has shown the valid and complete paper ticket.

3.1.7 The flight ticket coupons shall be used in sequence as specified on the ticket, starting from the departure location. Failure to use the flight coupons in the aforesaid sequence will result in the refusal to provide China United Airlines carriage and no refund and change is allowed.

3.1.8 The flight segments and the accommodation class shall be indicated on each flight coupon and shall be accepted by China United Airlines for carriage after the seat and flight date are confirmed. In case of unconfirmed or unsuccessful flight coupons with seats, China United Airlines will make reservations for the passengers based on their applications, considering the applicable conditions and fares of their tickets and the availability of seat capacity on the flight.

3.1.9 The passenger shall complete all the itineraries indicated on the ticket within the validity period of the ticket.

3.1.10 In case of an international and regional interline ticket containing domestic flight segment, its flight coupon can be directly used without being converted into a domestic ticket.

3.1.11 A ticket shall be invalid in case it has been altered by any person other than China United Airlines, its Air Sales or Ground Services Agents.

3.1.12 Some tickets that are sold at discounted rates may be subject to certain applicable policies on ticket cancellation and refunding, i.e. the special retrogression policies, which may result in partial refunding, non-refunding or ticket changing. The passenger shall select the fare that best suits his/her needs.

3.1.13 In case of the fully or partially unused tickets under the conditions described in the above 3.1.12 section, if a passenger is unable to travel as a result of a force majeure, he/she shall notify such force majeure to China United Airlines and shall simultaneously provide the evidence justifying it. After deducting reasonable costs, China United Airlines will issue a relevant certificate for the non-refundable part of the ticket to the passenger so that he/she may enjoy or obtain China United Airlines relevant services in the future with such non-refundable part.

3.2 Tickets Validity Period

3.2.1 Except for the special fare tickets, a ticket shall be valid for a one year from the starting date of the first trip. or from the ticket issuance date if the ticket has not been used.

3.2.2 The special fare tickets validity period shall be calculated according to the applicable conditions of such special fares as prescribed by China United Airlines.

3.2.3 The tickets validity period shall begin from zero hour of the day immediately after the start of the journey or on the zero hour of the day of filling in the ticket immediately after the expiry date.

3.3 Ticket Validity Period Extension 

3.3.1 Due to any of the following reasons, if a passenger fails to travel within the validity period prescribed on the ticket, the validity period shall be extended to the earliest in-flight date on which seats of the same class are available on a China United Airlines Flight ticket as he/she has purchased before: China United Airlines cancels the flight of which a passenger holds a reserved seat. China United Airlines cancels the flight transit point, and the transit point is the departure point, the destination point or the stopover point. China United Airlines cannot reasonably fly according to the flight schedule. China United Airlines causes a passenger to miss the connecting flights (meet the specified transit time). China United Airlines fails to provide a passenger with the reserved seat.

3.3.2 If China United Airlines fails to provide the flight seat of the ticket class when making the first reservation for each segment of the ticket held by the passenger, causing the passenger to fail to travel within the validity period of the ticket, the validity period of the passenger ticket will be extended to the earliest China United Airlines flight with available seats in the same class.

3.3.3 If a passenger who has started his/her trip fails to continue within the ticket validity period because of sickness, China United Airlines may extend the ticket validity period to the date on which the passenger is deemed fit to travel based on a medical certificate; or extend to the date after the aforesaid date on which the seats of the same class indicated on the passenger ticket are available on the earliest flight of China United Airlines; the passenger shall provide a diagnosis certificate issued by a medical institution recognized by China United Airlines. China United Airlines may extend the tickets of passengers (2 persons at most) accompanying a sick passenger who is unable to take care of himself/herself to the same validity period.

3.3.4 If a passenger dies en route, the validity period of the tickets held by the passengers (2 persons at most) accompanying the defunct can be extended; if a passenger’s immediate family member dies after the passenger commences travel, the validity period of the passenger ticket may also be extended. Such extension is processed upon the receipt of the relevant death certificate. The extension shall not be longer than forty-five (45) days from the date of the death.

3.3.5 Passengers should apply to China United Airlines to extend the validity period of their tickets within the validity period.If the flight route listed on the ticket has been cancelled when the passenger applies, the extension of the ticket's validity period is not applicable.

3.4 Loss and Damage of Paper Tickets

3.4.1 In case the ticket is lost or damaged in whole or in part, the passenger owning it shall file a written application to report the loss to China United Airlines within the ticket validity period.

3.4.2 When reporting the loss of ticket, the passenger is required to present his/her Valid Identification Document or Certificate and a photocopy or facsimile of the issuer coupon of the lost ticket. If the passenger entrusts any other person for the application, the applicant is required to produce his/her valid identification certificates together with the Valid Identification Certificate of the ticket owner and any other materials and evidence as required by China United Airlines.

3.4.3 China United Airlines does not assume legal responsibilities for any loss caused by any other person's misuse or refund before the application for reporting the loss of the ticket.

3.4.4 When the ticket is lost, the passenger's application for reissuing a new ticket shall be submitted to China United Airlines with any materials and evidence are required as specified in these Conditions within three (3) working days before the scheduled departure time of his/her flight. After verifying and approving the materials and evidence, China United Airlines shall re-issue a new ticket for the scheduled flight and charge the re-issuance fees if the following conditions are satisfied: The passenger shall fill in a Re-issuance/Refund Application Form provided by China United Airlines for the Lost Ticket; The passenger shall declare and agree to indemnify any and all losses so caused to China United Airlines, including those due to any other person's misuse or refund without permission and any necessary litigation cost.

3.4.5 In case of unverified and unapproved loss of ticket, China United Airlines reserves the right to refuse the re-issuance of a new one. In this case, the passenger can only repurchase a new ticket in order to take the flight.

3.4.6 A reissued ticket is neither changeable, nor refundable. In other words, once a ticket is re-issued, it cannot be changed or refunded

3.4.7 Ticket re-issuance is not processed in case of loss of any open or irregular tickets.

3.4.8 A ticket which has not been falsely used or lost by a passenger will be refunded within thirty (30) days after the expiry of the validity period thereof, and the corresponding refund fees may apply accordingly.

3.4.9 A ticket cannot be used and refunded upon the application for reporting the loss. If the passenger retrieves the lost ticket or is informed of its whereabouts, he/she shall promptly inform the acceptance department where the ticket loss is reported. If the passenger retrieves the ticket within the validity period thereof, he/she may proceed with the refund formalities at the above mentioned department.

3.4.10 Loss of Itinerary

If the printed itinerary is missing due to the fault of the passenger, it will not be re-printed as it is declared by the Air Transport E-tickets Itineraries/Receipts Administration. However, this does not affect the performance of a contract of carriage .

3.5 The Order of Use of Flight Coupons

3.5.1 The passenger shall complete all the itineraries listed on the ticket within the validity period thereof.

3.5.2 If the first flight coupon of a ticket has not been used, China United Airlines has the right to reject such ticket in case the passenger requests for starting his/her travel from a stopover/half-way point or on a scheduled stopping place.

Article 4 Fares and Taxes

4.1 Applicable Fares

4.1.1 Fares refer to the price of carriage service by air from the departure airport to the destination one, not including the ground transportation service fees generated from within the airport area, between terminals, between airports or between airports and downtowns. It does not also include the civil aviation development fund, bunker adjustment or fuel surcharges, and any other taxes and charges that the destination country imposes on the passenger separately.

4.1.2 Fares refer to the applicable fees paid for the designated flights at the time of ticket purchase. If China United Airlines makes any adjustment to the fare after selling a ticket, the sold ticket shall remain unchanged.

4.1.3 The passenger paying for special fares shall comply with the conditions applicable to such special fares.

4.2 Ticket delivery/Fare Payment

4.2.1 Passengers shall pay fares in the currency of the country where they are located and subject to the payment method as required by China United Airlines. Unless otherwise agreed by China United Airlines and the passenger, fares shall be paid in cash.

4.2.2 When fares received by China United Airlines do not comply with the applicable prices or are mistakenly calculated, the passenger shall make up for the deficiency or China United Airlines shall return the overcharge.

4.3 Taxes and Charges

Within the limits permitted by applicable laws and regulations, any taxes or charges imposed by the Government, relevant authorities or airport operators will not be included in the published normal fares, but shall be paid by the passenger and will be separately listed on the ticket. China United Airlines will inform the passenger of such taxes and/or charges which are not included in the normal fare before he/she purchases the ticket.

4.4 Currency

Passengers shall pay fares, taxes and charges in any currency that is acceptable to China United Airlines. When payment is made in a currency other than the currency in which the fare is published, the passenger will pay in accordance with the rates of exchange ascertained by the country on the payment date as notified by China United Airlines.

Article 5 Booking and Ticketing 

5.1 General Requirements

5.1.1 A passenger planning to take a China United Airlines flight shall book a seat at the China United Airlines official website (, its Mobile Client, its WeChat Official Account, a ticket office under its direct control, or ticketing office of its authorized Sales Agent. A Reservation will be confirmed and valid only if the passenger has submitted the relevant information and identification certificate and such documents have been accepted by China United Airlines when the specific flight requirements are specified.

5.1.2 If a passenger fails to pay for the booked ticket within the prescribed time limit, China United Airlines may cancel his/her reservation.

5.1.3 China United Airlines shall reserve the seats booked by passengers within the time limit it has provided for or agreed in advance, and shall provide passengers with seats in the confirmed flight and class of services to which they have already been subscribed.

5.1.4 Passengers shall comply with the Minimum Connecting Time respectively prescribed by any relevant airport or Carrier when booking seats on interline flights. If the connecting time does not conform to the flight convergence time standards, China United Airlines will not accept the reservations.

5.1.5 China United Airlines has the right to impose restrictions on certain special fares in order to prevent passengers from changing or canceling reservations at will and causing unnecessary losses to China United Airlines and other passengers.

5.1.6 If necessary, China United Airlines has the right to suspend reservations of a particular flight.

5.1.7 Passengers shall get on board the flight upon the ticket for the seat confirmed at the time of reservation. An open or unconditional ticket cannot be used unless the passenger has allocated the seat to China United Airlines. A fixed or regular ticket can be used when the passenger books the ticket and confirms the seat at the same time.

5.1.8 Passengers shall check the entry and exit regulations of the flight's origin, transit or destination country by themselves. If the passenger fails to complete the trip due to non-compliance with entry and exit regulations, China United Airlines shall not take the responsibility.

5.2 Personal Information

5.2.1 Passengers commit the authenticity and completeness of their personal information provided to China United Airlines and assume all the consequences arising from the inaccuracy of the provided information. Such personal information is provided for the purpose of booking, ticketing or arranging relevant transportation services. China United Airlines retains the personal information and has the right to transmit the information to relevant departments of China United Airlines or other relevant carriers, government departments and providers of the above services.

5.2.2 A passenger shall use the same Valid ID Documents when checking in and boarding as those used for reservations and/or ticket purchase.

5.3 Booking Priority

5.3.1 China United Airlines reserves the right to prioritize the reservations with respect to priority passengers, emergency rescue, salvage, or any other passengers that are recognized by China United Airlines and are in need of priority.

5.3.2 Passengers who involuntarily change their itineraries may enjoy reservation priority provided there are some seats available on the flight.

5.3.3 Passengers holding tickets of which seats are unconfirmed on the whole or part of the flight coupons have no right to request for priority when booking.

5.3.4 Passengers holding tickets of which seats have been confirmed on the whole or part of the flight coupons have no right to claim for priority when making changes in reservations.

5.3.5 China United Airlines will do its utmost to satisfy the passenger's request for reserving a seat on the flight. However, China United Airlines does not guarantee the availability of any specified seat assigned by the passenger. For the purposes of operation, safety or security, China United Airlines always reserves the right to assign or redistribute the seats on board, and even after passengers get on board the aircraft and/or are seated.

5.4 Reassigning the Reservations

5.4.1 Passengers will not be required to reconfirm the scheduled seats on the journey or return the China United Airlines flights.

5.4.2 In an interline carriage, if a passenger fails to reconfirm the seats the journey or return flight as required by any carrier other than China United Airlines, such carrier reserves the right to cancel the passenger’s flight or return it..

5.4.3 Passengers shall check the seat reconfirmation requirements of any relevant carrier and process the concerned formalities with carriers who introduce their airline codes on the tickets.

5.5 Cancellation of Reservations

5.5.1 If a passenger fails to purchase a ticket within the time limit as stipulated or pre-agreed by China United Airlines, the seats will not be reserved, including seats of an originating flight, en route flight or return flight.

5.5.2 If a passenger changes or cancels a reservation, it shall be produced within the time limit as stipulated by China United Airlines. If the ticket fare is subject to the restrictions, the passenger shall change or cancel the reservation but complying with the restriction conditions.

5.5.3 In case a passenger fails to use the confirmed seat and does not notify it, China United Airlines will not be liable for any cancellation of seats so caused on the journey or return flights.

5.6 Ticket Purchase 

5.6.1 Passengers may purchase tickets at the China United Airlines ticket offices, its Air Sales Agents, through its official website ( or its Mobile Client. Inquiries or ticket purchases may be made through the customer service hotline of China United Airlines (Please call 400-102-6666). The passenger will be required to fill in the Passenger Reservation Document in advance before purchasing tickets at the China United Airlines ticket offices or its authorized Sales Agents.

5.6.2 A passenger shall fill in the Passenger Reservation Document with his/her Valid Identification Document in order to purchase tickets. When purchasing tickets through China United Airlines website, mobile client or customer service hotline, a passenger shall produce his/her Valid Identification Certificates, contact number, etc. to China United Airlines as required, and shall be liable for the authenticity of the foregoing information. Another important notice is that it is a must for the passenger to ensure that the Valid Identification Documents used for purchasing tickets are consistent with those used during check-in.

5.6.3 Each passenger shall respectively hold his/her own ticket.

5.6.4 If a passenger pays the fare within the agreed ticketing time limit, China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agent is responsible for issuing the ticket.

5.6.5 Information on payment of fares is provided on the ticket or the Itinerary for passengers who have paid.

5.6.6 If a passenger requests for reserving the seat due to special circumstances, he/she shall purchase the ticket within the ticketing time limit indicated in the reservation records subject to the approval of China United Airlines.

5.6.7 The Itinerary List shall be printed out within 7 days after the flight information recorded in accordance with the seat reservation has been fully used.

5.7 Ticketing Time Limits

After booking, if a passenger fails to pay within the specified ticketing time limit, China United Airlines or its Air Sales Agent reserves the right to cancel the reserved seat.

5.8 Seating Arrangement

China United Airlines reserves the right to re-assign the seats which have been occupied by passengers after boarding due to the flight or security reasons. (Please see Article 9.2 in the sections below)

Article 6 Special Passengers

6.1 Discount Fares

6.1.1 The fare for a child passenger represents certain percentage of the fare which is normally set for an adult. The child passenger seats are available on China United Airlines flights, and each adult is allowed to carry a maximum of two children while boarding on China United Airlines flights.

6.1.2 The fare for an infant passenger is 10% of the normal fare for adults in the same flight class. China United Airlines does not provide seats for infant passengers, and each adult passenger is allowed to only carry one infant passenger. If the aircraft type permits, when an infant needs to occupy a seat alone, the ticket will be purchased at the child fare. Each adult passenger can only carry a maximum of two infant passengers. When there is more than one infant passenger, the ticket for the excess number of infant passenger will be purchased at the child fare, and China United Airlines provides seats.

6.1.3 Each adult passenger can only carry a maximum of two children or/and infants in total.

6.1.4 In case of selling the discount fares as described in this Article, China United Airlines has no ticketing time limit and other restrictive conditions.

6.2 Concerning the Special Passenger Tickets

6.2.1 While purchasing the tickets for children or infants, the passenger shall provide a valid certificate showing the date of birth of the child or infant to be carried.

6.2.2 Infant passengers aged less than 14 days are not eligible for China United Airlines carriage.

6.2.3 Children under the age of five must be accompanied by an adult with full capacity for civil conduct throughout the flight. For Child Passengers aged between five and twelve on the actual date of transport to travel alone, they must apply to China United Airlines for unaccompanied minors boarding procedures and obtain consent from China United Airlines before purchasing a ticket. Children travelling with an adult but in different physical classes from the adult shall be considered as unaccompanied minors, and unaccompanied minors boarding procedures shall be applied.

6.2.4 Passengers who are under 18 are not allowed to carry infants or children while travelling with China United Airlines.

6.2.5 In any of the following circumstances, the passenger shall be required to hold a valid Certificate of diagnosis, apply to China United Airlines and fill in the Check-in Application for Special Passenger in order to get onboard: The passenger is pregnant more than 32 weeks (inclusive) but less than 36 weeks; The passenger is on a stretcher or carries an infant incubator; There are reasonable grounds to believe that the passenger requires additional medical assistance during the flight. The certificate of diagnosis shall be issued by secondary level hospitals or above (including secondary level, overseas clinics, medical centers and hospitals) within 48 hours before the departure.

6.2.6 The Certificate of diagnosis produced by the passenger who suffers from any of severe diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, acute trauma etc.) must be valid within 24 hours.

6.2.7 If a passenger is pregnant for more than 36 weeks (inclusive), China United Airlines will not carry her.

6.3 Restrictions on Transport 

6.3.1 To special passengers such as infants, unaccompanied minors, sick passengers, disabled passengers, pregnant women or convicts (including suspects) who are not able, either physically or mentally, to require special care or to satisfy some conditions before taking the flight, they will be carried only after China United Airlines and its carriers articulate consents and make necessary arrangements. Moreover, the passengers shall bear all consequences that may occur en route due to their own reasons.

6.3.2 The transportation of the passengers with disabilities shall be in accordance with the CAAC Rules on Management of Disabled Passengers Air Transportation. 

6.3.3 Limiting the number of passengers to be transported: for safety reasons, China United Airlines exercises controls over the limited number of passengers to be transported on each flight to accommodate the features of aircraft type. It is required that each flight shall carry: (1) a maximum of 6 infant passengers for B737 aircrafts, and a maximum of 15 infant passengers for A330 aircrafts; (2) a maximum of 3 unaccompanied minors for B737 aircrafts, and a maximum of 5 unaccompanied minors for A330 aircrafts; (3) a maximum of 4 passengers with disabilities and do not need any companions but require the assistance from others in case an emergency evacuation occurs for B737 aircrafts, and a maximum of 6 passengers with disabilities and do not need any companions but require the assistance from others in case an emergency evacuation occurs for A330 aircrafts.

6.3.4 Passengers on stretchers will only bear the costs of labor and equipment, unless they have agreed in advance and have made arrangements, if necessary, in accordance with the relevant conditions of the Inland Transportation promulgated by China United Airlines. Since the transportation of passengers on stretchers requires dismantling the original seats and in accordance with the result of flight costs calculations, a passenger of this kind needs to pay a fare which is equivalent to 18 tickets, each of which is calculated at 10% discount of the normal fare for the flight. The passengers on a stretcher are required to apply to China United Airlines for transportation service in advance, that is, not later than 72 hours before the scheduled departure time indicated on the ticket.

6.3.5 In accordance with its actual carriage capacity, China United Airlines does not carry passengers who suffer from infectious or mental diseases, or those who are in other physical conditions that potentially put them in danger or affect other passengers.

Article 7 Refusal of Transport

7.1 Refusal of Transport

7.1.1 The passenger is required to comply with the relevant national laws, government regulations and orders;

7.1.2 The passenger or item prohibited to be transported in accordance with relevant national regulations;

7.1.3 The passenger is judged unfit for air travel, after China United Airlines considers his/her conduct, age, mental or physical condition, baggage, or potential threat or damage to his/her life or property or to any other passengers;

7.1.4 The passenger does not comply with the regulations promulgated by China United Airlines, or refuses to follow the arrangements and persuasion from the China United Airlines staff;

7.1.5 The passenger refuses security check for him/her or for his/her baggage;

7.1.6 The baggage has not gone through security check;

7.1.7 The passenger has not paid applicable fares, taxes or other payable fees, or has failed to comply with the credit arrangement between him/her and China United Airlines;

7.1.8 The passenger does not produce any valid identity document, or the document he/she produces is not the same as that produced when the passenger purchases the e-ticket;

7.1.9 The passenger may seek entry in a transit country, may destroy his/her certificate or document during the flight, or he/she fails to deliver his/her travel document or its copy to the cabin crew according to China United Airlines requirements;

7.1.10 The passenger's baggage violates any of the applicable laws, regulations, orders or instructions detective of any country or region of departure, agreed stopover, or destination.

7.1.11 The passenger's baggage may endanger or negatively affect safety or health of the crew or other passengers;

7.1.12 The passenger does not use his/her flight coupons as per require by the ticket;

7.1.13 The passenger does not present any valid ticket, including: The passenger presents a ticket that has been acquired unlawfully or has been purchased from an entity other than China United Airlines and its authorized agents; The passenger presents a ticket that has been reported as being lost or stolen; The passenger presents a ticket that is counterfeited; The flight coupon has been changed or altered or damaged, yet not by China United Airlines or its authorized agents; The ticket holder is unable to prove that he/she is the exactly the person named on the ticket.

If the carriage is refused due to the above circumstances and the passenger requests a written explanation, unless otherwise specified by the State, China United Airlines shall issue in a timely manner.

7.2 Ticket upon the Carriage Refusal

If a passenger is refused carriage due to Article 7.1.1 to Article 7.1.11, China United Airlines will handle in accordance with Article 13.2 Voluntary Changes or Article 12.5 Voluntary Refunds of these Conditions; in the situations listed in Article 7.1.12 and Article 7.1.13 of these Conditions, no changes and refunds are allowed, including non-refundable fares and taxes.

Article 8 Flight Overbooking 

8.1 General provisions

In order to use air transport resources to a maximum extent and avoid waste of resources, China United Airlines can, through refined forecasting, appropriately overbook certain flights that are prone to seat waste.

In the event of overbooking a flight, China United Airlines will post the Flight Overbooking/Volunteer Seeking Notice of the relevant flight in the check-in area to inform passengers of the overbooked flight, the carrier's compensation program and the rights available to passengers, and to look for volunteer passengers who are willing to accept compensation from the carrier to change class of service, change flight route, endorse to other airlines or request a refund for their tickets.

8.2 Volunteer recruitment procedure

In the case of overbooking, China United Airlines will firstly start the procedure for seeking volunteers.

8.2.1 Actively seek passengers who voluntarily give up their seats, provide reasonable compensation in accordance with Article 8.4.3, and deal with overbooking in advance.

8.2.2 If there are no passengers who voluntarily give up their seats and the flight is still overbooked after measures have been taken to eliminate the overbooking, China United Airlines or other ground service agents will arrange personnel to look for volunteers who voluntarily give up their seats at the check-in counter or boarding gate, and negotiate with the passengers on the conditions for voluntary giving up the itinerary.

8.2.3 Only when it fails to find enough volunteers who are willing to give up their flights and the flight is still overbooked after it takes all possible measures to eliminate the overbooking, may China United Airlines determine the passengers who are denied boarding according to the priority boarding rules.

8.2.4 For passengers who are denied boarding, China United Airlines will provide reasonable compensation and follow-up services in accordance with Articles 8.4 and 8.5.

8.3 Priority boarding rules

In case of overbooking, China United Airlines will properly compensate the denied boarding volunteers according to the compensation program and arrange suitable flights or make refunds as required by passengers. If it fails to find enough volunteers who are willing to give up this flight, China United Airlines will guarantee the seats of the following passengers in the order of priority and deny some passengers boarding:

8.3.1 Passengers performing national emergency duties;

8.3.2 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) personnel carrying donated human organs;

8.3.3 Senior, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant passengers, and unaccompanied children with special service needs who are approved by China United Airlines, for whom arrangements are made in advance, and their accompanying persons;

8.3.4 Active military personnel, police officers, and fire rescue personnel holding valid identification documents;

8.3.5 Interline passengers with short connecting time at the arrival station;

8.3.6 First Class, Premier Business Class, Business Class, and Premium Economy Class (Forward Cabin of Economy Class) passengers;

8.3.7 Other circumstances that meet the priority boarding rules.

8.4 Compensation standards of flight overbooking

For passengers who are denied boarding, China United Airlines will arrange for them to take the earliest flight in the corresponding class as per their decisions to continue their journey and provide reasonable compensation in accordance with Article 8.4.3 based on the ticket price of the passenger's originally scheduled flight, route distance and delay time.

8.4.1 Compensation methods for overbooking

In cash.

8.4.2 Compensation conditions for overbooking

Volunteers and denied passengers can receive compensations for overbooking if all of the following conditions are met: The flight has been booked in the reservation system. The passengers have completed check-in procedures or arrive at the designated check-in counter to check in or wait for check-in before the check-in deadline specified by each airport. The passengers hold valid travel documents. All classes of seats on oversold flights are no longer available to accommodate passengers. The passengers are not restricted as their carriage is refused according to the General Conditions of China United Airlines for Domestic Passenger and Baggage Carriage and General Conditions of China United Airlines for International Passenger and Baggage Carriage or is not agreed by China United Airlines.

8.4.3 Compensation standards When a passenger voluntarily gives up his/her itinerary or is denied boarding due to overbooking, priority will be given to arranging the passenger to take the earliest flight to ensure his/her travel, or an involuntary refund will be processed for the passenger. For passengers who voluntarily give up their itineraries according to the volunteer recruitment process, China United Airlines will compensate them and provide follow-up services based on the standards negotiated by both parties. For passengers who are denied boarding due to priority boarding rules, China United Airlines will provide compensation according to the following standards based on the overbooked flight type and cabin class: Compensation standards for voluntary abandonment or refusal of boarding due to overbooking (both are upper limits, not directly applicable):

(Note: The time in the table is calculated based on the actual scheduled arrival time of the flight; the route regions in the table refer to the IATA air transport business regions.) If a passenger requests a refund, China United Airlines will also provide compensation in accordance with the standards of in addition to handling the refund in accordance with the involuntary refund regulations. If the passenger accepts the subsequent flight, China United Airlines will also provide compensation according to the standards of in addition to handling the involuntary change of itinerary. Passengers who are involuntarily downgraded due to overbooking will be compensated according to the following standards:

(Note: The route regions in the table refer to the IATA air transport business regions; in addition to the above involuntary downgrade compensation, when Business Class passengers are involuntarily downgraded to Premium Economy Class (Forward Cabin of Economy Class)/Economy Class due to overbooking, the Business Class passengers will be refunded at 80% of the actual fare; when Premium Economy Class (Forward Cabin of Economy Class) passengers are involuntarily downgraded to Economy Class due to overbooking, the Premium Economy Class (Forward Cabin of Economy Class) passengers will be refunded at 20% of the actual fare.) If any local law or regulation in the place where denial of boarding occurs due to flight overbooking, such law or regulation will apply.

8.4.4 Compensation currency

China United Airlines will pay cash under this document in the currency of the country or region where the flight overbooking or denial of boarding occurs.

8.5 Follow-up services for denied passengers

China United Airlines provides the following services to volunteers or denied passengers under this document:

8.5.1 Passengers will be given priority to board the nearest available flights in the following order: Change to other direct flights of the Company on the same route; Change to other non-direct flights of the Company; Transfer to direct flights of other airlines on the same route when conditions are met; Transfer to non-direct flights of other airlines when conditions are met;

8.5.2 Provide free meals (or equivalent cash compensation will be given in accordance with relevant standards) if it is meal time while waiting for the flight change.

8.5.3 Provide food and accommodation (or given equivalent cash compensation in accordance with relevant standards) if the scheduled flight is the next day.

8.5.4 Provide the Flight Overbooking Certificate upon the passenger's request.

Article 9 Check-in and Boarding

9.1 General Provisions

9.1.1 The passenger shall check in (including the formalities of verifying the ticket, checking the baggage and obtaining the boarding pass to obtain the paper or electronic boarding pass) on time by presenting his/her valid ID certificate consistent with the valid ID certificate for ticketing and his/her ticket before the check-in deadline specified by China United Airlines or each airport.

9.1.2 To avoid flight delays, China United Airlines may cancel the confirmed seat of a passenger who fails to arrive at its check-in counter or boarding gate on time or that who fails to present his/her valid identification certificate or carriage document. China United Airlines shall not be liable for any losses or expenses caused by the passenger's failure to comply with this provision.

9.1.3 China United Airlines shall start check-in shall not be later than 150 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the flight which is indicated on the ticket, and close check-in shall take its end 50 minutes before the scheduled departure, unless otherwise announced or noticed. If there are any other applicable regulations at the airport, the passenger is called to comply with them; otherwise, he/she will bear all of the incurring consequences. (Please make inquiries through China United Airlines Customer Service Hotline at 400-102-6666 for details).

9.1.4 China United Airlines and its Ground Services Agents shall open check-in counters on time and duly process check-in formalities. Before boarding, passengers and their baggage must undergo a security check.

9.1.5 As for the beginning and closing of check-in for any onward connecting flight during the interline carriage, a passenger shall make inquiry with the actual carrier.

9.2 On-board Seating Arrangements

9.2.1 China United Airlines provides passengers with the seating places according to the flight and class of services already confirmed, endeavor to satisfy passengers' request for seat in the same class but will not guarantee a particular seat on-board.

9.2.2 In order to ensure the flight safety, seats near the aircraft's emergency exits shall be specifically designated by China United Airlines.

9.2.3 For the purpose of operation, safety or security, China United Airlines reserves the right to allocate or redistribute the seats on an aircraft at any time, even after a passenger gets on board and/or is already seated.

9.3 No-show Passengers

9.3.1 In case no-shown is resulted from a passenger and the passenger requests changing to the subsequent flight or refund, China United Airlines may handle according to the applicable conditions of the ticket.

9.3.2 In case no-shown is resulted from China United Airlines reason, if the passenger requests change to a subsequent flight, China United Airlines will actively make arrangements if seats are available on the subsequent flight and will not collect ticket change fee; if the passenger requests refund, China United Airlines will not collect refund fee. If the passenger requests change to a subsequent flight or refund, China United Airlines may collect fee according to the applicable conditions of the ticket.

9.3.3 No-show passengers holding special fares shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable conditions of the ticket.

9.4 Missed Flight Passengers

9.4.1 In case a passenger misses the flight due to his/her own reason, the refund requested shall be handled according to the provisions of the No-show.

9.4.2 In case a passenger misses the flight due to China United Airlines reason, the latter shall arrange a subsequent flight as early as possible for the passenger, or process as specified in Article 12.4 stipulating on Involuntary Refunds.

9.5 Wrong Boarding Passengers

9.5.1 In case wrong boarding is resulted from a passenger, China United Airlines will arrange the wrong boarding passenger to take the earliest available flight to the destination on the passenger ticket, and the ticket fare will not be refunded.

9.5.2 In case wrong boarding is resulted from China United Airlines reason, China United Airlines will arrange the passenger to travel on the earliest available subsequent flight. If a passenger requests a refund, the relevant provisions of Article 12.4 Involuntary Refunds shall be followed.

9.6 Misconnection Passengers

When all interline flights are the flights of China United Airlines and meet the specified connection time, in case the passenger misses connection due to China United Airlines reason, China United Airlines shall make arrangement for the passenger at the connecting point.

9.7 Boarding

9.7.1 A passenger shall follow the notices on the paper or electronic boarding pass makes the check-in within the time limit specified by China United Airlines.

9.7.2 In case a passenger fails to comply with the Article 9.7.1 and fails to get on board within the specified time limit, China United Airlines reserves the right to cancel the reservation and shall not be liable for any losses caused to the passenger.

Article 10 Baggage Carriage

10.1 General Rules

10.1.1 Items not to be transported as baggage

These items include the goods that can potentially endanger the aircraft, persons on board or properties as stipulated in ICAO’s Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, IATA’s Dangerous Goods Transportation Regulations, Chinese laws or codes, and China United Airlines regulations, especially explosives, compressed gases, corrosive substances, oxides, radioactive or magnetic substances, and flammable, toxic, poisonous, threatening or irritating substances.

For items listed in the following section, a passenger shall not place in his/her baggage or carry on to the cabin, otherwise, China United Airlines reserves the right to refuse to provide carriage services to the passenger: Items that do not satisfy the requirements about the baggage as defined in Article 1.43 of these Conditions; Apart from those complying with China Civil Aviation’s Dangerous Goods Transportation Regulations and China United Airlines regulations, dangerous goods including the following items are not permitted to be carried and checked-in:

(1) any substances that can be explosive, those prone to a hazardous reaction, those which are liable to ignite, produce hazardous heat, release toxic, corrosives, and flammable gases or vapors;

(2) Security equipments such as briefcases, cash boxes and bags containing dangerous goods like lithium batteries and/or pyrotechnic devices.

(3) Unchecked baggage or checked one that carries any devices that may irritate or cripple others like tear gas ejector and pepper spray.

(4) Unchecked baggage or checked one that contains personal medical oxygen devices. Passengers who require oxygen in the air should use their own portable oxygen concentrator (POC) that meets the company's requirements.

(5) Electric shock weapons (e.g. Taser stun gun) that contain dangerous goods like explosive substances, compressed gases, and lithium batteries. Weapons, ammunitions, military or police equipments (including major components), except as provided in Article

(1) Military or police and official guns including pistols, rifles, sub-machine guns, machine guns, and anti-riot guns, etc;

(2) Civilian guns including air gun and tranquilizer or anesthesia guns, etc;

(3) Other guns including sample guns, property guns, etc;

(4) Military or police equipments including police batons, etc;

(5) The guns and equipments prohibited in China include steel ball guns, tear gas guns, stun guns, defibrillators, and defense equipments;

(6) The replicas of the foregoing articles. Controlled Knives

Controlled knives refer to the knives as stipulated in the Controlled Knives Identification Standard (CKIS) promulgated and implemented by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. Those knives include daggers, fluted scrapers, flick knives with self-locking devices, other similar single-edge and double-edge knives, sharp fluted knives, and other types of single-edge, double-edge and multi-edge knives with more than 60 degrees of tip angle and more than 220 mm body length. Other Items

(1) Items which are not suitable for carriage because of their weight, size, package, shape or character;

(2) Live animals: wild animals or/and animals with strange shape (i.e. with bodily weirdness) or easy to attack humans (i.e. snake), except for those specified in the requirements provided for in Article;

(3) Fresh and alive perishable items with obvious odor which are not properly packaged, such as durian;

(4) Items easy to defile the aircraft;

(5) Magnetic substances;

(6) Substances which make people anesthetized or unpleasant, or substance of any other similar nature;

(7) Items which are not suitable for carriage according to national laws and regulations, or China United Airlines provisions. Items which are prohibited from export, import, or transit in the relevant countries according to their laws, regulations or orders.

10.1.2 Items not to be transported as Checked Baggage

A passenger shall not include or place the following items in checked baggage: items requiring specific custody such as cash, negotiable instrument, valuable securities, exchange bills, brittle or vulnerable items, perishable items, jewelry, precious metal and their products, gold and silver articles, antiques and valuable paintings, videos, presswork or manuscripts which are out of print, samples and valuables, important documents and materials, diplomatic envelopes, travel documents, computers and accessories, personal communication devices and accessories, personal electronic digital devices and accessories, etc., and other items that are regularly taken prescription. Please see liability for damage as per specified in Articles 19.3.4 and 19.3.8.

10.1.3 Restricted Items for Carriage

The items that are restricted for carriage must comply with China United Airlines requirements on the quantity, package, and type of goods. These items are transported only after China United Airlines agrees to provide carriage. Blunts, cold steel and sharp objects or similar items other than controlled knives may be carried as checked baggage, provided that their package is appropriate; and their carriage into the cabin may be prohibited. Medicines or cosmetics which are necessary during the journey include drugs containing alcohol, hair conditioner or perfume. Dry ice within perishable items. Alcoholic beverage. Toy guns shall be carried as checked baggage, and shall not be carried into the cabin. Precise instruments, electrical appliances, metals or batch objects shall be carried as cargoes. The free baggage allowance does not apply to the weight of such items. While transporting them, China United Airlines only assumes the same responsibility as that for transporting ordinary baggage. Liquids, gels and aerosols carried in hand baggage by passengers shall be poured in the container whose capacity is not greater than 100ml separately, and the total volume not exceeding 1 liter. Electric wheelchairs used by the passenger during the journey. Service dogs including those of assistance, guide, and hearing ones. Firearms and ammunition used for hunting and sporting shall be carried as checked baggage with the firearms carriage license or the approval issued by competent State Council authorities, but shall not be carried into the cabin as unchecked or self baggage or carry-on items. Guns must be unloaded with the safety catch on, and suitably packed. The carriage of ammunition shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations on the transportation of dangerous goods. Exquisite musical instruments are not suitable to be carried as cargo. For those whose weight and size exceed the unchecked baggage allowance shall be charged separately as cabin-seat baggage in the passenger cabin, and the passenger shall take custody responsibilities for them himself or herself. Lithium batteries shall not be carried as checked baggage. Portable electronic devices (watches, calculators, cameras, cell phones, laptop computers, mobile cameras, etc) shall be treated as hand baggage when passengers check-in and get on-board. The lithium content in a lithium metal battery shall not exceed 2 grams, and the rated energy value of such battery shall not exceed 100Wh (Watt-hour). If the aforesaid energy value falls between 100Wh and 160Wh, the battery can be treated as hand baggage only upon the approval of China United Airlines. The standby battery of a portable electronic device must be separately protected to prevent short circuit (such battery must be placed in the original package or its electrodes must be insulated by any of other methods, e.g., applying an adhesive tape on the exposed electrodes or placing each battery into a separate plastic bag or protective case). Moreover, such battery must be carried as a part of the carry-on baggage. The passenger is allowed to carry two standby lithium batteries at most and whose rated energy value is between 100Wh and 160Wh as per China United Airlines Permission. In case a passenger carries a lithium-ion battery powered wheelchair or any of the other similar means of transport or portable electronic medical devices containing lithium metal or lithium-ion battery cells or batteries for medical use, transport and package of the aforesaid devices must be in accordance with the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and prior carriage approval from China United Airlines.

10.1.4 Other restrictions on the carriage of items 

Please visit the China United Airlines official website ( or make inquiries through China United Airlines customer service hotline at 400-102-6666 to find more detailed information on restricted items on carriage.

10.2 Checked Baggage

10.2.1 Upon delivery of the baggage to be checked, China United Airlines will issue an Identification/Claim tag for each piece of checked baggage.

10.2.2 A passenger shall attach his/her name or other personal mark to the checked baggage before subjecting it to the check-in and before the baggage is shipped.

10.2.3 Checked baggage will be carried on the same aircraft as the passenger, unless special circumstances occur, under which China United Airlines will explain the situation to the passenger and will carry it on a subsequent flight provided there is a space which is available on that flight.

10.2.4 The checked baggage must be well packed with suitcases or other suitable containers, locked and bound to be intact, strapped firmly, and must be able to endure a certain pressure to make sure it can be safely loaded, unloaded and carried under normal operating conditions. For the baggage which does not meet the requirements, China United Airlines may refuse to carry as checked or consigned baggage, and/or shall not be liable for damages or losses incurred therein.

10.2.5 The weight of each checked baggage shall not exceed 32kg and its three dimensions shall not exceed 40cm, 60cm and 100cm respectively. The baggage exceeding the above stipulated limit shall be subject to the prior consent of China United Airlines.

10.3 Unchecked Baggage

10.3.1 The weight of each piece of unchecked baggage shall not be heavier than 10 kg and its three dimensions shall not exceed 20x40x55 cm.

10.3.2 The baggage that has been carried into the aircraft shall be placed under the seat in front of the passenger or into the top baggage rack in the cabin. The articles that are judged too large or heavy as prescribed by the criteria in 10.3.1 shall not be carried into the cabin.

10.3.3 Only one piece of unchecked baggage shall be carried per passenger.

10.3.4 The unchecked baggage which exceeds the aforesaid weight, amount, or size allowances shall be treated as baggage to be checked.

10.4 Free Baggage Allowance

10.4.1 The free baggage allowance shall apply to both checked and unchecked baggage. The piece concept is implemented in the international carriage provided by China United Airlines. Unless otherwise the company provides it, each passenger’s free baggage allowance is subject to the following regulations:

(1) The unchecked baggage satisfying the requirements provided for in Article 10.3 shall be free of charges during carriage.

(2) Passengers holding different China United Airlines Service tickets are entitled to different free baggage allowances. For more details, please refer to the China United Airlines (International) Carriage of Checked and Carry-on Baggage Transport Program, or contact China United Airlines customer service center through hotline 400-102-6666.

(3) An infant passenger is not entitled to the free baggage allowance, but the adult accompanying him/her is allowed to be checked free of charges when carrying one foldable or portable baby stroller.

10.4.2 If two or more passengers traveling on the same flight to the same destination have their baggage checked-in at the same time and place, their free baggage allowances may be calculated as one in accordance with their respective cabin-class standards which they have purchased respectively.

10.4.3 When a passenger takes the flight in which free baggage allowance varies from one route to another, the calculation shall be based on the piece standard which is defined on the ticket.

10.4.4 Upon the passenger's voluntary change of voyage, his/her free baggage allowance will be the one applicable to the fare level of the changed ticket.

10.4.5 If the passenger involuntarily changes his/her class level, he/she shall enjoy a free baggage allowance to his/her original level of ticket.

10.4.6 The free baggage allowance of an interline carriage is calculated in accordance with the relevant China United Airlines and IATA regulations.

10.4.7 China United Airlines does not accept small animals (excluding the assistance dogs accompanying disabled passengers) for carriage.

10.4.8 The free baggage allowance does not apply to the assistive equipments (including but not limited to wheelchairs) of disabled passengers, but such devices may be transported free of charge.

10.5 Excess Baggage

10.5.1 Excess baggage means the part of baggage that goes beyond the free baggage allowance. Either for unchecked or checked baggage, the excess shall be charged.

10.5.2 In connection with the payment of excess baggage, China United Airlines will issue a relevant ticket to the passenger.

10.5.3 Charging principle: excess baggage fee of China United Airlines adopts piece concept. For more details, please refer to the China United Airlines (International) Carriage of Checked and Carry-on Baggage Transport Program, or contact China United Airlines customer service center through hotline 400-102-6666.

10.6 Baggage Value Declaration

10.6.1 For checked baggage in excess of USD 20 per kilogram, the procedures for baggage value declaration may be requested.

10.6.2 The declared value of the checked baggage shall not exceed the actual value of the baggage itself. Each passenger’s baggage declaration has a maximum value of USD 2,500 or its equivalent. In excess of this limit, a passenger may purchase any other commercial insurance to cover the baggage value. China United Airlines reserves the right to refuse the consignment if it disagrees with the declared value or if the passenger refuses to accept to be checked.

10.6.3 China United Airlines will impose an excess charge of 5‰ for the declared value exceeding the limit specified in Article 10.6.1. Such surcharge shall be denominated in Renminbi (Yuan) and its decimal places shall be rounded-off.

10.6.4 China United Airlines shall only accept the baggage declaration value with respect to the checked baggage on its flights.

10.6.5 China United Airlines will not accept the baggage declaration value for the unchecked baggage, carry-on items, small animals and cabin-seat baggage.

10.6.6 The baggage declaration value will not be counted into free baggage allowance.

10.7 Inspection Right

For safety and security reasons, China United Airlines may conduct a security check (safety inspection), scan or X-ray inspection with a passenger's baggage jointly with any other competent departments, during which the passenger shall be on the spot. China United Airlines will not be liable for any losses incurred by passenger's absence after he/she has been notified of the baggage check. If a passenger refuses to accept to be checked, China United Airlines may refuse the carriage of him/her and/or his/her baggage.

10.8 Baggage Acceptance

10.8.1 A passenger shall check his/her baggage with a valid ticket, and China United Airlines will fill in the number of pieces and/or weight of the checked belongings on his/her ticket and baggage check.

10.8.2 China United Airlines will only accept baggage during check-in at the time of flight departure. The passenger who requests the baggage consignment in advance shall be subject to the prior consent from China United Airlines.

10.8.3 China United Airlines shall attach a tag to each piece of the checked baggage and the identification/claim coupon will be offered to the passenger.

10.8.4 If any checked baggage is likely to generate any dispute on carriage liability, China United Airlines shall attach a tag with a disclaimer to such checked baggage upon the passenger's written consent. If the baggage is tied up or the liability tag is removed, and if there is no compensation for such baggage, China United Airlines will not be liable for any damage caused during carriage and reserves the right to refuse to transport it.

10.8.5 For passengers with disabilities, assistive devices shall not be entered into a disclaimer, except for the part which has been damaged prior to the passenger's delivery for carriage and is clearly specified. 

10.9 Small Animals

10.9.1 Small animals refer to domesticated dogs, cats, birds and other small animals.

10.9.2 China United Airlines does not accept dogs, cats, birds and other small animals for carriage.

10.9.3 Passengers with a disability may bring assistance, seeing and hearing dogs and other service dogs into the cabin subject to the Conditions of China United Airlines for inbound carriage. Such dogs and their containers and foodstuffs shall be carried free of charge.

10.9.4 Passengers shall be fully liable for all damage or injury which may be caused by assistance, seeing, and hearing dogs to any other passengers or to China United Airlines.

10.10 Seat-occupying Baggage

10.10.1 If the items carried by the Passenger are not suitable for transportation in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, such as delicate musical instruments,fragile or high value items , and do not comply with the provisions of Paragraphs 10.2 and 10.3 of these Conditions, the Passenger shall inform China United Airlines when booking and checking in for the Flight, and after receiving permission from China United Airlines, bring such items into the passenger cabin as seat-occupying Baggage.

10.10.2 Passengers having paid extra airfares can carry these articles aboard for shipment as Seat-occupying Baggage. For the shipment of baggage that takes seats in the cabin, passengers need to apply in advance and supply such information as the type and nature of baggage, number of items, weight and size, etc.

10.10.3 The volume of each seat occupied luggage shall not exceed 40 x 60 x 100 centimeters, and the weight shall not exceed 75kg.

10.10.4 Packages must be properly sealed and packed by Passengers.

themselves and the outer package must be equipped with handles for fixing purposes.

10.10.5 There is no additional free baggage allowance for Seat-occupying Baggage.

10.11 Unacceptable Baggage

If any unacceptable item for baggage carriage, prohibited or dangerous articles prescribed by any country, and/or the restricted goods not consented to by China United Airlines are included in any passenger’s baggage, the whole baggage shall be regarded as unacceptable. China United Airlines will dispose of such baggage in the following ways:

10.11.1 China United Airlines may refuse to carry the whole baggage upon discovery of unacceptable items at the place of departure. If the carriage has already started, China United Airlines reserves the right to stop the transport and the paid carriage charges will not be refunded.

10.11.2 China United Airlines shall stop carrying the entire baggage upon discovery of any unacceptable item at a stopover, and the paid carriage fees will not be refunded.

10.11.3 All of the embargoed, restricted or dangerous articles stipulated by any country as unacceptable baggage shall be turned in to the competent government authorities if any. Note that all of the detected unacceptable items are not returned to the passenger as per compliance with International transportation standards.

10.12 Returning Baggage

10.12.1 If a passenger requests for returning his/her baggage at the place of departure, he/she shall introduce such request to China United Airlines before the baggage is loaded. In case he/she applies for a refund, the accepted baggage shall also be returned.

10.12.2 If a passenger requests for returning the baggage at the stopover, such request may be accepted unless time does not permit; but the charges paid for excess baggage during the unused flight segments will not be refunded.

10.12.3 In case the baggage is returned with value declared, a surcharge paid for the baggage declaration value will be refunded if the return is made at the place of departure, but when it is made at the stopover, the surcharge fees shall not be refunded.

10.12.4 If a passenger is arranged to switch to another flight due to China United Airlines reasons, the carriage of his/her baggage shall be adjusted accordingly. Overcharge or deficiency for the baggage allowance will be returned or supplemented by China United Airlines, but the fare paid for the baggage declaration value will not be refunded.

10.13 Checked Baggage Delivery 

10.13.1 A passenger shall promptly claim his/her baggage by producing its identification coupon tag at the airport upon the arrival. If necessary, the ticket shall be presented and checked.

10.13.2 Unless otherwise as stipulated by laws, the checked baggage shall be presumed to have been delivered in good condition according to the contract of carriage if the passenger fails to propose any written claim upon delivery.

10.13.3 China United Airlines will deliver the baggage according to the identification coupon tag and is not responsible to ascertain whether or not the person who collects the baggage is the passenger. This directly implies that any loss or cost so caused shall be borne by the passenger.

10.13.4 If a passenger fails to produce the identification coupon of tag when collecting his/her baggage, he/she shall provide sufficient evidence to prove his/her baggage ownership. If necessary, China United Airlines may require the passenger to issue the corresponding undertaking to ensure that he/she bears any liability for any loss or cost which may be cause to China United Airlines with regard to the above-mentioned baggage delivery condition.

10.13.5 If a passenger fails to collect his/her baggage immediately, China United Airlines will set charges for its custody from the date after the baggage has arrived. In case there are perishable items in the baggage, China United Airlines reserves the right to dispose of such items 24 hours after the arrival for the sake of public health.

10.13.6 When there is a delay of a passenger's baggage, China United Airlines will notify the passenger to claim it immediately after the arrival, or the baggage may be directly delivered to the passenger. Unless otherwise specified by laws, passengers must personally go to process customs or quarantine inspection formalities.

10.13.7 If the baggage has not been collected within ninety (90) days from the date after the arrival, China United Airlines may dispose of such baggage in accordance with Procedures for the Disposal of Unclaimed Baggage and Articles Left Behind and will not be liable for any loss of such items.

10.13.8 The checked baggage may only be delivered at: The destination place which is indicated on the ticket; The first stopover during the carriage; The connecting or transshipment place where the passenger is switched to a continuing flight journey by any other carrier who has not entered into an interline carriage agreement with China United Airlines or which has provisions on baggage carriage other than those stipulated in this China United Airlines Article; The destination of the interline flight of which the seat has been confirmed; The arrival airport of the interline flights’ connecting places; The place where the passenger is required to collect the entire baggage; The place indicated on the ticket where the excess baggage charges have been paid up; The place where the custom formalities shall be processed before continuing the carriage as prescribed by the concerned countries.

10.14 Baggage Compensation

10.14.1 In it comes out there is any delay, loss or damage to the baggage during carriage, China United Airlines or its Ground Services Agents shall fill in the Irregular Baggage Carriage Records or Baggage Damage Records along with the passenger and shall reply to the passenger regarding the investigation result as soon as possible. Any claim for baggage compensation can be handled at the departure, stopover or destination places.

10.14.2 If the passenger’s checked baggage fails to arrive in the same aircraft with him/her due to the In-flight Conditions of China United Airlines and such failure causes any inconvenience to a non-resident passenger, China United Airlines will pay a compensation for temporary living articles to such passenger and in accordance with its relevant regulations.

10.15 Please check the provisions in China United Airlines (International) Carriage of Checked and Carry-on Baggage Transport Program for detailed baggage transport standard.

Article 11 Flight Schedules, Delays and Cancellations

11.1 China United Airlines will endeavor to properly carry passengers and their baggage in accordance with the published schedule published on the date of travel. In case of acceptance of a seat reservation and/or a ticket purchase by a passenger, the company will notify him/her of the flight times which will also be indicated on the ticket. China United Airlines may change the scheduled flight time after the issuance of the tickets, but will notify passengers of such change in the flight schedule using the contact details they have provided. If it happens passengers disagree with such changes in the flight schedule and China United Airlines fails to arrange other acceptable alternative flights to passengers, they may apply for ticket refunds in accordance with the Article 12.4 stipulating on Involuntary Refund.

11.2 Flight schedule or aircraft types shown in the flight timetables or elsewhere are scheduled only and not definite. Such flight schedule or aircraft types do not constitute part of the contract of carriage between China United Airlines and the Passenger.

11.3 China United Airlines will not be liable for any mistake or omission in the flight timetable or any other published schedules, unless the damage is caused by the Company’s imprudent act, intended omissions or full awareness of such damage. China United Airlines will not be responsible for any interpretation on time or date of departure or arrival, or any flight carriage adopted by its employees, agents or representatives.

11.4 Flight Changes, Delays and Cancellations – China United Airlines will take all necessary measures to avoid any kind of delay in the carriage of passengers and their baggage. In this case, if it comes out impossible to take such measures, China United Airlines will not be responsible.

11.5 China United Airlines may change the aircraft type or flight routes, cancel, suspend, postpone or defer any flight in accordance with the Article 11.6 hereof and without prior notice if any of the following circumstances occurs:

11.5.1 China United Airlines has to comply with laws, administrative regulations, orders and requirements of any country;

11.5.2 China United Airlines aims to ensure the flight safety;

11.5.3 Any of other reasons for which China United Airlines may have no control or foresee.

11.6 Due to any reasons prescribed in the Article 11.5, if China United Airlines cancels any flight or delays it, this may result in the failures to provide passengers with the reserved seats (including the classes) and to stop at the stopovers or destinations, or causes passengers to miss a connecting flight on which he/she has a confirmed seat. Therefore, considering the passenger's reasonable requests, China United Airlines shall take any of the following measures at the affected passenger's choice:

11.6.1 China United Airlines will arrange free of charge for passengers to follow up flights with available seats and voyage listed in the original ticket.

11.6.2 The passenger will be endorsed to another carrier after the endorsement plan between him/her and that carrier is agreed;

11.6.3 Other conditions are subject to the Article 12.4 stipulating on Involuntary Refund.

11.7 In case any circumstance specified in the Article 11.5 of these Conditions occurs, the remedies listed in Articles 11.6.1 to 11.6.4 shall all be available to the passenger. However, the passenger will not be precluded from making any request under the applicable law since China United Airlines may be required to assume any other liabilities as prescribed by applicable laws and provisions of these Conditions (Please see Articles 20.2 and 20.3 hereof).

11.8 Unless otherwise provided for by relevant regulations, in the event of Seat Reservations canceled by Passengers voluntarily, No-show or missing Boarding due to reasons attributable to such Passengers before China United Airlines provides notifications regarding Flight delay or cancellation, China United Airlines will handle the Change, Refund, and Endorsement procedures for Passengers in accordance with the conditions of use of Tickets; if Passengers have changed, refunded, or endorsed Tickets in accordance with the Voluntary Change/Refund/Endorsement rules before China United Airlines provides notifications regarding Flight delay or cancellation,China United Airlines will not refund the ticket change/refund fee.

11.9 China United Airlines may change or cancel the stopovers indicated on the tickets or schedules and substitute any other carrier or aircraft at its reasonable discretion and for purpose of operation without prior notice.

11.10 In the event of reduced carrying capacity due to a condition which is not associated to China United Airlines, some passengers or baggage may be refused carriage at the Company’s reasonable discretion. Under such circumstance, China United Airlines shall provide such passengers with subsequent carriage service, ticket changes or refunds in accordance with its regulations, but shall not bear any other responsibilities.

11.11 Assistance in Irregular Flights

11.11.1 If any flight is delayed or canceled due to the reasons such as aircraft maintenance, flight rotation, business or crew, China United Airlines shall try its best to provide passengers with information on the flight dynamics as soon as possible, to avoid losses to them, and arrange meals and/or accommodation services for them.

(1) Where a flight is delayed for more than 2 hours (inclusive), passengers will be provided with drinking water and foods.

(2) Where a flight is delayed for more than 4 hours and beyond 22 O'clock and the scheduled flight has to be canceled due to China United Airlines' fault, passengers will be provided with standard accommodation services with toilet facilities.

11.11.2 Where a flight is delayed or canceled as a result of the factors such as weather conditions, emergencies (including the malfunctions that may affect flight safety), natural disasters, air traffic controls, wars, acts of government, fuel supply shortage, security checks and the faults of passengers themselves, China United Airlines and its Ground Services agent will try their best to provide passengers with the information on flight dynamics as soon as possible, and assist them in obtaining meals and/or accommodation. Yet, passengers will bear themselves all of the costs incurred thereof.

11.11.3 If any China United Airlines flight is delayed or canceled at a stopover for whatever reasons, China United Airlines shall provide passengers with catering and/or accommodation services.

(1) Where a flight is delayed for more than 2 hours (inclusive), passengers will be provided with drinking water and foods.

(2) Where no subsequent flight is available on that day, passengers will be provided with standard accommodation services with toilet facilities.

11.11.4 If any China United Airlines flight has to land at an alternate airport for whatever reasons, China United Airlines shall provide passengers with catering and/or accommodation services.

(1) Where no passenger is allowed to get off the airplane, passengers will be provided with services in accordance with Article 11.10.5 hereof.

(2) Where no subsequent flight is available on that day, passengers will be provided with standard accommodation services with toilet facilities.

11.11.5 During the delay aboard, without affecting the aviation safety, China United Airlines will ensure normal use of the toilet facilities.

(1) Where such delay lasts more than 2 hours (inclusive), passengers will be provided with drinking water and foods.

(2) Where such delay lasts more than 3 hours (inclusive), and no departure time is declared, without violating the provisions on aviation safety and safety protection, China United Airlines will arrange passengers to get off the airplane for waiting.

11.11.6 If a flight is delayed or cancelled before departure, China United Airlines and its authorized sales agent and Ground Services agent shall give priority to the handicapped, the elderly, pregnant women, unaccompanied children etc who need special care.

11.11.7 If a flight is cancelled or delayed before departure, passengers may change to a subsequent flight with available seats of  China United Airlines free of charge; and if a passenger requests a refund, he/she shall be subject to Article 12.4“Involuntary Refunds” hereof.

11.11.8 When a flight is cancelled or delayed, and if any passenger requests the written evidence on such cancellation or delay, China United Airlines shall provide such evidence.

11.11.9 In case of any delay or cancellation, China United Airlines and its authorized Ground Services agent shall offer explanations as follows:

(1) China United Airlines shall, within 30 minutes of becoming aware of any change in flight status, promptly and accurately provide passengers with information on delay or cancellation via the public information platform, official website, call center, short message or phone, broadcast etc, including the cause for delay or cancellation and flight dynamics; in case of any delay aboard, China United Airlines shall at 30 minutes’ intervals provide passengers with information on the cause for delay, expected delay time, flight dynamics etc.

(2) China United Airlines’ authorized Ground Services agent shall promptly provide passengers with information on delay or cancellation via the public platform in the terminal.

(3) China United Airlines’ authorized sales agent shall promptly provide passengers with information on delay or cancellation provided by China United Airlines.

(4) All units concerned shall strengthen coordination and timely transfer the related information, to ensure the truth and consistence of the flight information released.

10.11.10 In case of any delay or cancellation for whatever reasons, China United Airlines shall provide no financial compensation (including any further effect caused by any event of force majeure).

11.11.11 To ensure normal flight, if the services for passengers after delay conflict with the boarding command, the services for those passengers boarding the airplane first shall govern.

11.11.12 China United Airlines shall well cooperate with other supporting units and ensure normal flight together with them, to avoid any unnecessary delay.

Article 12 Refunds

12.1 General provisions

12.1.1 In case the portion or the entire flight segments of China United Airlines tickets is unused by the passenger within the ticket validity period, China United Airlines shall accept the refund requests which comply with all of applicable conditions indicated on the ticket .

12.1.2 China United Airlines shall be entitled to make a refund to the person who is indicated on the ticket only. If the payer of a ticket is not the person who is indicated on it, and China United Airlines has indicated that there is a ticket refund restrictions, the refund will be made only to the ticket payer or to the person he/she will designate. The passenger who applies for a refund shall produce his/her valid identity certificate. If the beneficiary of the refund is neither the passenger, nor the ticket payer, he/she shall produce the valid identity certificates of both the passenger and the ticket payer.

12.1.3 Except for cases of lost tickets, paper tickets for refunds shall include complete flight coupons and passenger coupons for the unused flight segments. When applying for refunds, passengers shall produce the originals of valid identification certificates produced at the time of ticket purchase. If passengers entrust other persons to apply for refunds in his/her place, such trustees shall produce their own valid identification certificates, the power of attorneys, valid identification certificates (or photocopies) of passengers who are indicated on the tickets, and the tickets themselves.

12.1.4 A refund made to any person who holds all flight coupons, passenger coupons and payment vouchers for unused flight segments and who meets the requirements specified in Articles 12.1.2 and 12.1.3 of these regulations shall be deemed as an accurate refund and shall discharge China United Airlines from the contract of carriage entered into with the passenger.

12.1.5 Lost Ticket Refund

In case a ticket is lost partly or entirely, if a passenger has provided evidence of the loss to the Company to request for a refund and has paid up all of the applicable service charges within the prescribed time limit, China United Airlines will make a refund based on the expiry of the ticket validity period provided that all the following conditions are respected: China United Airlines has received a fare for the lost ticket. The lost ticket has not been used or refunded before the refund is requested, and China United Airlines has not re-issued a new ticket without the passenger paying separate fares. The passenger shall fill in an Application Form for the Re-issuance/Replacement of the Lost China United Airlines Tickets. The passenger shall declare and agree to indemnify any and all losses or damages and any necessary litigation cost so caused to China United Airlines, including any losses due to any other person's misuse or illegal refund of the lost ticket. In case the misuse, illegal refund and lost ticket replacement purchase which is due to any kind of negligence of China United Airlines, the incurred costs shall be excluded from indemnification.

12.2 Period of Refund

A refund must be applied within the period of validity of the ticket. China United Airlines may refuse refund application after the expiry of this above-specified period of time, that is, the unused fare and tax are both nonrefundable.

12.3 Place of Refund

12.3.1 Voluntary Refund applications should be made at the original place of ticket purchase.

12.3.2 Involuntary Refund applications should be made at the original place of ticket purchase or at the Irregular Flight Service function through China United Airlines APP.

12.4 Involuntary Refunds

If any of the reasons specified in Article 3.3.1 hereof causes the passenger to apply for a refund, the refund amount shall be:

12.4.1 An amount equal to the full fare and taxes free of charges for refund service in case the ticket has not been used, but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.4.2 If the ticket has been partly used, the applicable fares of the flight segments to be used shall be deducted from the full fare and the balance shall be compared with fares of the unused flight segments, whichever is higher, but shall not exceed the original fare paid for the ticket. The total amount of unused taxes to be refunded to the passenger will exempt the refund service fee, but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.5 Voluntary Refunds

If a refund is allowed to be made on a ticket for reasons other than those specified in Article 12.4 hereof, the refund amount shall be:

12.5.1 An amount equal to the balance of the ticket and taxes with the refund service fees deducted for a ticket which has not been used, but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.5.2 If a portion of the Ticket has been used, the remaining amount will be refunded to the Passenger after the fare for the travel undertaken, relevant taxes and fees, and refund fees have been deducted,but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.5.3 If the fare for the travel undertaken is greater than or equal to the full fare after comparing the applicable fare of the used segment with the full fare, the fare of the unused segment shall not be refunded, and the refundable taxes and fees of the unused segment shall be returned to the Passenger,but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.5.4 Unless otherwise stated in these Conditions or in the China United Airlines Regulations, for Tickets with a non-refundable or non-refundable balance stated on the Ticket, taxes and fees may be refunded separately and no refund fee will be charged,but the ticket change fee will not be refunded.

12.6 Refund Processing Charges

12.6.1 China United Airlines shall charge the refund service fees to passengers. In accordance with the provisions of Article 12.5, China United Airlines shall charge corresponding refund service fees for passenger’s refund according to the conditions for the use of passenger ticket prices.

12.6.2 In case of a refund for an infant ticket equal to the 10% of the normal fare, the refund service fees shall not be charged. Such refund shall be subject to the applicable ticket conditions.

12.6.3 The passengers request to refund due to their sickness shall be handled according to the following provisions: Passengers who are not suitable for flight due to health reasons to apply for a refund, the booked seats should be cancelled before the scheduled departure time of the flight. The refund should be applied within the validity period of the ticket, and provide one of the following two types of documents filled out by a domestic secondary hospital or above, or issued by a foreign clinic or hospital (medical center): A diagnosis certificate issued before the scheduled departure time of the flight, which is not suitable for boarding during the flight and stamped. Original or photocopy of medical treatment certificate (such as diagnosis certificate, medical record, hospitalization certificate, etc.) issued before the scheduled departure time of the flight, which can prove that the passenger is not suitable to take the flight during the flight period specified in the ticket, and medical institution fee receipts or photocopies (such as registration, outpatient department, hospitalization). If a sick passenger applies for a refund, it shall be processed as an "involuntary refund"; and If the accompanying passengers (up to two) apply for a ticket refund at the same time, a copy of the sick passenger's ticket (or itinerary) and relevant proof copy must be attached, and it shall be processed as an Involuntary Refund.

12.6.4 To process ticket refunds for deceased passengers and their accompanying personnel, the following regulations shall be followed:To apply for a ticket refund for a deceased passenger, a copy of the deceased passenger's death certificate must be presented, and the ticket will be processed as an "Involuntary Refund"; and If the accompanying passengers (up to two) apply for a ticket refund at the same time, it will be processed as an "Involuntary Refund".

12.6.5 Unless otherwise stipulated herein, a refund for a special fare ticket shall be charged of the refund service fees in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.5 in this condition The relevant supporting documents for clauses.

12.6.3 and 12.6.4 shall be issued after the ticket is issued and before the scheduled departure time of the flight, and shall be submitted within 7 working days after the application for refund or change is submitted (including the day of refund application). If there are any material adjustments, the announcement of China United Airlines direct sales channels will prevail or consult China United Airlines customer service.

12.7 Refusal of the Refund

12.7.1 If a Passenger voluntary terminates travel at a Transit Place of a Flight, the fares, taxes and fees for unused segments of the Flight are not refundable.

12.7.2 China United Airlines reserves the right to retain any forged or counterfeit tickets without making a refund or reimbursement to the owners of such tickets.

12.7.3 A refund must be applied within the period of validity of the ticket. China United Airlines may refuse refund application after the expiry of this above-specified period of time, that is, China United Airlines will not refund the unused fares, taxes and fees.

12.7.4 China United Airlines will not refund tickets purchased by Passengers arriving at a place where they are denied entry or from which they are repatriated.

12.8 Refund Currency

12.8.1 Any refund shall comply with the laws and other relevant regulations of the country where the ticket is originally purchased and those of the country where the refund is being made. China United Airlines generally uses the original ticket payment currency to make refunds, and can make a refund in the currency of the country where the ticket was originally purchased or where the refund is being made as well.

12.8.2 A refund for a ticket paid with credit cards or by other non-cash payment methods can only be credited to the payment card account which was originally used when purchasing the ticket.

12.8.3 A passenger shall not claim for a refund on difference in currencies against China United Airlines based on differences resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates.

Article 13 Passenger Ticket Changes

13.1 Involuntary Changes

As a result of any one of the circumstances specified in Paragraph 3.3.1 of these Conditions, the Passenger may apply for a change of Flight, date, or a downgrade class of service in accordance with these Conditions, which is an Involuntary Change of Ticket and shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:

13.1.1 China United Airlines and its Air Sales Agents shall arrange subsequent flights for passengers prior to the availability of seats on those flights, or shall process under the provisions of Article 12.4 stipulating on Involuntary Refund.

13.1.2 In the event of change of a cabin class due to the unavailability of the air ticket as a result of China United Airlines’ fault, a difference between the original fare and the new fare will arise. The affected passenger will receive the surplus and ignore the deficiency. 

13.1.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement, the passenger shall request for an involuntary change before the departure time of the first subsequent China United Airlines flight on which the seat is available. The request submitted after the time limit prescribed above shall be subject to Article 12.4 stipulating on Involuntary Refund.

13.2 Voluntary Changes

If the passenger wishes to voluntarily change the cabin class after purchasing tickets, China United Airlines and its Air Sales Agents shall do so upon the availability of seats and time allowed on the flight. If the passenger voluntarily downgrades his/her class level, he/she may apply for refunds on the original ticket and then purchase new one.

13.2.2 Upon the passengers’ request for voluntarily changing the flights and dates after purchasing tickets, China United Airlines and its Air Sales Agents shall arrange for them in accordance with the applicable conditions of the tickets they hold including the fare regulations if there are available seats on the flight and time permits. The differences in tickets fares and any other costs so incurred shall be borne by the passengers themselves.

13.2.3 If the passenger requests for a voluntary change of the carrier after purchasing the ticket, such change will be processed in accordance with Article 12.5 stipulating on Voluntary Refund. 

13.3 Unless China United Airlines authorizes it, its Air Sales Agents shall not process the endorsement of tickets for any passenger.

Article 14 Passenger Services

14.1 China United Airlines, its Air Sales Agents and Ground Services Agents shall promptly notify passengers when the flight delays or cancellations occur.

14.2 In case of a delay in flight due to China United Airlines reasons, the Company shall provide passengers with catering services and accommodation free of charge in accordance with the delay time. If the flight delays or cancellations are not caused by China United Airlines, the Company will assist passengers in obtaining catering services and accommodations through contacts and arrangements, but those passengers shall bear themselves any costs incurred thereof.

14.3 If any China United Airlines flight is delayed or canceled at a stopover for whatever reasons, the Company shall provide passengers with catering and/or accommodation services.

14.4 Any costs for on-the-ground catering services and accommodations incurred at the connecting places of a interline flight shall be borne by passengers.

14.5 During the flight, China United Airlines does not provide free catering services to passengers except for business class passengers and unless otherwise agreed.

14.6 In accordance with its provisions, China United Airlines shall provide passengers with the paid services stated in the below section. These services are voluntarily requested and paid for by passengers, and beyond the scope of the fares. The standards for charging such paid services are provided in the detailed rules on paid services that include but are not limited to:

14.6.1 Priority check-in/security check/boarding

14.6.2 Seat selection

14.6.3 Checked Baggage

14.6.4 Cabin upgrading

14.6.5 On-flight catering services

14.6.6 On-flight supplies

14.6.7 On-flight entertainment

14.6.8 Business Lounge

Article 15 Third Party Services Arrangement

15.1 If China United Airlines arranges for passengers with any third party to provide any services other than those of air carriage, or if it issues a ticket or voucher relating to transportation or services such as ground transportation, hotel reservations or car rental and all of those services provided by a third party but are different from the carriage by air ones, the Passengers' and/or the third party's agent and third party service provider terms and conditions will apply to the China United Airlines service provided.

15.2 Where China United Airlines is responsible for providing passengers with ground transportation services, such services will not be subject to these Conditions herein mentioned.

15.3 Without prejudice to the provisions of these terms and conditions regarding transportation of any other kind of conditions on carriage by air listed by any combined transportation party, these Conditions apply provided that the part of carriage by air complies with these Conditions for carriage provisions.

Article 16 Conduct On-board

16.1 In any of the following acts on-board, China United Airlines may take measures to restrain or force alighting at any place of the passenger as it deems necessary to prevent him/her from behaving bad on the flight; those are:

16.1.1 Forceful occupation of seats and luggage racks;

16.1.2 Fighting and creating disturbances;

16.1.3 Incident assaults on women and children and sexual harassment;

16.1.4 Dissemination of obscene materials and other illegal publications;

16.1.5 Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) or using kindling;

16.1.6 Illegal use of mobile phones or other prohibited electronic devices;

16.1.7 Theft and intentional damage or unauthorized movement of life-saving items and other aircraft facilities and equipment, or forced opening of emergency cabin doors;

16.1.8 Theft of public or private properties on-board;

16.1.9 Other behaviors that endanger civil aviation safety and disrupt cabin order,  obstructing crew members from fulfilling their duties or inciting passengers to obstruct crew members from fulfilling their duties.

16.2 Electronic Devices

Except for the hearing aids, cardiac pacemakers and assistive respiratory devices (excluding those devices which may threaten the flight safety pursuant to applicable laws and government regulations), passengers are forbidden to use any electronic equipment including but not limited to laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, electronic games or remote transmitting devices, wireless network interface controllers, mobile phones and walkie-talkies on-board without permission of China United Airlines’ crew.

16.3 No Smoking

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not allowed in all areas on board all China United Airlines flights.

16.4 Alcohol

Except for the alcoholic drinks provided on-board of China United Airlines flights, passengers are not allowed to bring other alcoholic drinks in the cabin.

16.5 Seat Belts

While passengers are in their seats on-board, they shall fasten their seat belts as required.

Article 17 Administrative Formalities

17.1 General provisions

17.1.1 Passengers shall be responsible for obtaining all travel documents and visas that are required by the departure countries, those through or into which they flow, and for complying with all of their laws, regulations, orders, provisions, and travel requirements.

17.1.2 China United Airlines will not be liable for any and all consequences arising from the passengers' failure to obtain the aforesaid documents or visas or failure to observe the foregoing terms and conditions.

17.2 Before traveling, passengers shall present all exit/entry documents, health certificates and other types of certificates that are required by the laws, regulations, orders or requirements of the departure countries, those through or into which they flow, and shall allow China United Airlines to keep and retain the copies of the aforesaid documents and/or certificates. If passengers are noncompliant with the relevant laws, regulations, orders or provisions of the aforesaid countries or their travel documents are not in line with the concerned, China United Airlines reserves the right to refuse carriage.

17.3 If a passenger is denied entry into the destination country (region), he/she shall pay for the fare of the resulting repatriation trip, and shall indemnify China United Airlines against any penalties or charges imposed by the relevant countries as a result of such entry denial. China United Airlines will not refund the fare of the trip through which the passenger has been transported to the place into which he/she is denied entry.

17.4 Passengers are responsible for covering expenses like fines, liens and other expense fees. China United Airlines will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from such inspections, or for any loss or injury caused by the passenger's failure to comply with the concerned requirements. In the event that passenger fails to comply with the laws, regulations, orders, requirements or any other traveling requirements or to produce certificates or documents as required and causes China United Airlines to pay a fine or penalty or bear any cost, such passenger shall compensate for the incurred losses. The compensation may be processed either through deducting the aforesaid expense from the fare of the unused flight segments or from the passenger's money under the China United Airlines control. In order to avoid losses, a passenger shall carefully understand and abide by the applicable regulations of the departure, destination or transit countries.

17.5 Upon request, the passenger shall attend inspection of his/her baggage by customs or other government officials, especially for the suspected baggage.

17.6 Passengers shall be subject to any security checks required by or to be conducted by governmental officials, airport staff, other carriers or China United Airlines. Unless attributable to its negligence, China United Airlines is not liable for any physical injuries, losses or damages of goods suffered by the passenger as a result of the aforesaid checks.

Article 18 Successive Carriers

The carriage to be performed by China United Airlines and other carriers under one ticket or a conjunction ticket, or that to be performed by China United Airlines and the carrier holding the code share flight under one ticket or a conjunction ticket shall be deemed as an inseparable carriage. Unless otherwise specified by laws, each carrier named on the ticket shall be bound to the carriage liability for the passengers in accordance with their respective carriage conditions.

Article 19 Liability for Damages

19.1 General Principles

19.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the laws or agreed in the contract of carriage, China United Airlines will be liable for losses incurred during its air carriage.

19.1.2 China United Airlines shall not be liable for any loss arising from its compliance with or in respect of the passenger's failure to comply with applicable laws, regulations, governmental orders and rules.

19.1.3 China United Airlines' liability for damage shall not exceed the liability limits as set forth in the International Conventions or the relevant aviation laws of the People's Republic of China. Unless otherwise expressly required by the applicable laws, China United Airlines shall not be liable for any indirect loss or mental injury to the passenger (including the baggage).

19.1.4 China United Airlines will only be liable for its own carriage by air activities according to applicable laws. In addition to the special provisions of the laws of the People's Republic of China, the Company is only acting as an agent of other carriers when it fills the tickets or checks the baggage for such carriers’ flight carriage.

19.1.5 If any damage is caused or triggered by a passenger on his/her faults, China United Airlines' liability for such damage may be waived or mitigated in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

19.1.6 In the event that a passenger's baggage or any item contained therein causes damage to the passenger himself/herself or to the baggage itself, China United Airlines shall not be liable for any incurred loss. In case the damage is caused to any other persons or China United Airlines property, the passenger shall indemnify for any and all losses caused thereby and any and all costs incurred by China United Airlines for that purpose.

19.1.7 Where a person other than a passenger files a claim for the compensation of a passenger's death or injury, and it has been proved that such death or injury is caused or contributed to by the passenger himself/herself, China United Airlines' liability shall be exempted or mitigated in accordance with the degree of committed fault.

19.1.8 Any liability or liability limitations with respect to China United Airlines under these Conditions shall also apply to its agents, employees and representatives, and to any other person, agent, employee or representative of such person or society whose aircraft is used by China United Airlines. The aggregate amount of damage compensation payable by China United Airlines and the aforesaid agents, employees, representatives and any other persons shall not exceed the liability limits that the Company has assumed.

19.1.9 Unless otherwise expressly provided for by applicable laws, these Conditions allow China United Airlines to enjoy the relevant exemptions or limitations with respect to its prescribed liabilities.

19.2 Passenger Casualty

19.2.1 China United Airlines shall be liable for any damages, injuries or death resulting from the occurrence of accidents on-board the aircraft or during the movement of the passenger on or off the aircraft. However, China United Airlines shall not be liable for the compensation of any passenger's death, injury or aggravated conditions that are caused by or attributable to his/her own age, mental or physical conditions during the carriage.

19.2.2 Except in case that damage was due to its act or omission which is attributable to its intention or knowingly negligence, China United Airlines will assume all liabilities for deaths, injuries or other physical harms to each passenger in accordance with the Clauses 1 and 2 of the Article 21 stated in the Montreal Convention stipulating on the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed at Montreal on May 28, 1999. At the same time, the review of limits prescribed in the Article 24 of the aforesaid convention shall also apply in determining the ultimate compensation amount to be paid by China United Airlines.

19.3 Baggage Loss

19.3.1 China United Airlines will be liable for the destruction, loss or damage caused by the occurrence of an incident to the checked baggage during air transportation. In case of unchecked baggage, China United Airlines will only be liable for the damage caused by the fault which is attributable to it, its employees or agents.

19.3.2 China United Airlines shall not be liable for the destruction, loss or damage to any passenger's baggage which is solely caused by its quality or defects, or by the nature itself (atmospheric conditions).

19.3.3 China United Airlines shall not be liable for any damage to the passenger or his/her properties which is caused by his/her due to his/her own fault. In case the passenger’s baggage or any items therein cause damage to other people or other people’s items or to China United Airlines properties, he/she shall indemnify China United Airlines or the affected people against any and all losses caused and costs incurred thereby.

19.3.4 China United Airlines will indemnify for the damaged value or shall cover the repairing costs in case of destruction, loss, damage or delay of the passenger’s baggage. In the event that the baggage is lost or unrecoverable, China United Airlines will assume the liabilities in accordance with the Clause 2 of the Article 22 of the Montreal Convention stipulating on the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air signed at Montreal on May 28, 1999. In addition, the Review of Limits prescribed in the Article 24 of this Convention shall also apply in determining the ultimate compensation amount to be paid by China United Airlines.

19.3.5 China United Airlines will indemnify the Baggage declaration value provided that a passenger has declared it. But if the baggage's declared value is higher than its actual value at the time of delivery at the destination place, China United Airlines will be liable for all damages corresponding to that actual value.

19.3.6 In case of destruction, loss, damage or delay of any passenger’s checked baggage or any item therein, the weight on which China United Airlines’ liability limit is determined shall be the one of such damaged baggage or articles therein. If this stated weight cannot be determined, the passenger’s damaged baggage shall not exceed the maximum free baggage allowance to which he/she is entitled.

19.3.7 In case of destruction, loss, or damage to any restricted items in the baggage of any passenger as set forth in Article 8.1.3 of the present regulations, China United Airlines will be liable for damages in accordance with the regulations that apply to generally checked baggage.

19.3.8 In case of damage to any cash, negotiable notes, negotiable securities, exchange bills, fragile or vulnerable goods, perishable goods, jewelry, precious metal and their products, gold and silver products, antique calligraphy and painting, out-of-print videos, out-of-print manuscripts or prints, samples or other valuables, important documents or materials, diplomatic envelopes, travel documents, computers and accessories, personal communication devices and accessories, personal electronic digital equipments and accessories, other items to be held in custody by passengers, and the personal prescription medicine to be taken regularly, China United Airlines will be liable in accordance with the regulations that apply to generally checked baggage. Be careful for your own sake and the sake of the flight security.

19.3.9 Unless the fault which caused the damage is otherwise attributable to China United Airlines, the Company shall not be liable for any damage to the passenger’s unchecked baggage or the cabin-seat baggage.

19.3.10 When indemnifying the baggage losses, charges for excess baggage will be refunded but surcharges paid for the baggage declaration value will not be refunded.

19.3.11 China United Airlines will promptly notify a passenger after locating the lost baggage that has been indemnified. Such passenger may claim his/her baggage and reimburse China United Airlines with all the indemnity except for the compensation for temporary daily use articles. China United Airlines is entitled to recover all the indemnity it has paid once the passenger is found to have any fraudulent acts.

19.3.12 In case of any baggage loss during a domestic flight segment that constitutes an international or a regional route air carriage, such loss shall be indemnified in accordance with the applicable provisions on the baggage loss set forth for the international or regional route air carriage.

19.3.13 If a non-resident passenger’s checked baggage does not arrive in the same aircraft with the passenger himself/herself due to a fault which is attributable to China United Airlines, compensation for temporary daily use articles will be made to the passenger according to China United Airlines Regulations.

19.3.14 In case of damage to or loss of any checked ancillary device for a disabled passenger, its actual price shall be indemnified (except for the part of the device that has been damaged and has been covered in a disclaimer for such damage at the time of delivery for carriage).

19.4 In case of losses caused to passengers and baggage attributable to delay during the air carriage, China United Airlines shall make proper compensation in accordance with the relevant international conventions and laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. However, if the flight delay is caused by any reasons beyond China United Airlines’ control or which it is unable to avoid, and that the Company proves that itself, its employees or agents have taken all reasonable measures or it was impossible to take such measures to prevent losses, China United Airlines shall not be liable for the losses caused by the delay.

19.5 Upon a flight delay, if any passenger fails to take appropriate measures to prevent the losses from expanding, China United Airlines shall not be liable for the expanded part of losses.

19.6 In the event of the international or regional route carriage by air as defined in the present conventions, the liability rules for damages prescribed in the applicable conventions shall apply. Contrarily to this clause, China United Airlines will be liable for damages in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Montreal Convention.

Article 20 Claims and Litigation Actions

20.1 Claims

20.1.1 If a passenger fails to submit a written claim within the time limit prescribed by the applicable laws after collecting the checked baggage, such baggage shall be presumed to have been delivered in good condition according to the contract of carriage, unless otherwise the passenger provides evidence to the contrary. In case the baggage is lost, the passenger shall notify China United Airlines upon the flight arrival and record the irregular carriage of the baggage as the prima facie evidence for claims. China United Airlines will not accept any claim which is not issued within the time limit as prescribed in this Article and Article 20.1.2.

20.1.2 In the event of any destruction, loss, damage or delay of any baggage, the passenger shall submit a written claim to China United Airlines within and not later than 7 days (applicable to damage or loss) or 14 days (applicable to delay) after the collection of the baggage.

20.1.3 In case the passenger fails to submit a written claim within the prescribed time limit as stated in the section 20.1.2 hereof, no action shall be filed against China United Airlines.

20.2 Any action for damages with respect to passengers or baggage shall be filed within two years from the date on which China United Airlines flight arrives or shall have arrived at the destination or from the date of termination of the carriage.

20.3 In the event of destruction, loss, damage or delay of certain baggage, a passenger may file an action against the first or the last carrier, or the actual carrier responsible for the segment during which such problems occur.

20.4 Basis for Claims

20.4.1 Any action for damages with respect to the carriage of passengers or baggage shall only be limited to the liability conditions and limits as prescribed in the Montreal Convention in its clauses stipulating on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, irrespective of any governing law figuring in the relevant countries, contract, tort or any other reason on which such action is based.

20.4.2 Pursuant to the Montreal Convention of May 28, 1999 emphasizing the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, no punitive, exemplary or any non-compensational penalty for damages shall be filed.

20.4.3 Claims are filed in accordance with the Articles 131 and 184 of the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China and the Article 142 of the General Principles of the Civil Law.

20.4.4 The court of jurisdiction is determined in accordance with the "Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air" for disputes over a contract of carriage between passengers and China United Airlines when they take China United Airlines flights.

20.4.5 Other disputes between passengers and China United Airlines or any third party that involve the investigation of civil liability by China United Airlines against Chinese passengers shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court where China United Airlines is located (unless otherwise specified by the Convention).

Article 21 Passenger Complaints

21.1 Passenger Complaints

In order to understand your opinions or suggestions about our company more quickly and conveniently, you can contact us by email (, online customer service of China United Airlines official mobile APP/WeChat official account, telephone (400-102) -6666) etc.

Article 22 Effectiveness and Modification

22.1 These Conditions shall become effective and come into force as from August 30th, 2024.

22.2 China United Airlines may modify these Conditions without notice in accordance with the procedures as stipulated by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). However, this modification does not apply to any carriage that has already commenced before it.

22.3 No China United Airlines agent, employee or representative shall have the authority to modify or violate any provision of these Conditions.

22.4 The headings of each article under these Conditions are only used for convenience and shall not be taken into consideration in the interpretation of terms herein prescribed.

22.5 In the event that the relevant present provisions concerning the departure, transit or arrival of China United Airlines flights or the business activities such as ticket sale or service assurance conflict or inconsistency with the laws, regulations or governmental orders that are in effect or will be promulgated, the latter shall prevail.

22.6 These Conditions are written in both Chinese and English, and both language versions shall be equally valid. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version of these Conditions and the translation in other languages, the Chines version shall prevail.

22.7 The interpretation of these Conditions is owned by China United Airlines Co., Ltd.